AS (2012) CR 06
Addendum 1



(First part)


Sixth Sitting

Wednesday 25 January 2012 3 p.m.


Protecting human rights and dignity by taking into account

previously expressed wishes of patients

      The following texts were submitted for inclusion in the official report by members who were present in the Chamber but were prevented by lack of time from delivering them.

Ms Nataša JOVANOVIĆ (Serbia) — The resolution we are discussing today represents, as the raporteur has said, a general consensus based on the European Convention on Human Rights, and if it is not adopted, I think that the abuses will continue and that we, by mere adoption of this document, will not contribute much to the realisation of the right to the efficient cure, without the abuse of a patient’s will during various medical treatments. The provisions from the resolution should be applied to all people whose health is endangered, and today I will present you an unbelievable example of the violation of human rights and the right to an adequate medical treatment. All this is happening in the Hague Tribunal, created by the UN Security Council, where several Serbs have died due to the negligence towards the health of detainees. Among them was Slobodan Milošović, who was treated for high blood pressure and was administered a medicine which annulled the positive effects of the prescribed medicines.

Professor Dr Voislav Seselj, who has been detained for nine years already, has permanent health problems. This is why he has had some surgery; in 2011 it was an ablation; and at the beginning of this year he was given a pace-maker. The exclusive guilt for the life-threatening health problems of Dr Seselj lies on the head of the Tribunal registry and services that have not carried out the order of the trial chamber in time. I am not familiar with the fact that patients with serious heart diseases in the developed European countries wait for almost three months to be examined. The Tribunal registry did no allow the three distinguished Russian doctors to examine Dr Seselj, although he insisted on them coming. They did not allow the doctors from the Russian Federation to examine him, although that country is a permanent member of the UN Security Council. They have intentionally appointed the doctors in whom Dr Seselj has declared that he has no trust. Why are Russian doctors not acceptable to the ICTY registry? In Dr Seselj’s case, all regulations and standards concerning the right of a patient to the doctor(s) of his own choice have been violated. The ICTY and its officials are obviously superior to all rights and standards. According to the valid norms, all detainees have the right to visit a doctor and to be examiined, and according to the principles of medical ethics, all medical staff are obliged to offer the quality of protection and treatment to detainees and prisoners, in the same way as is the case with people at large.

It is obvious that the prosecution could not give evidence to confirm the indictment in any of the counts, and that the Hague Tribunal wants to find the solution in the physical elimination of Dr Voislav Seselj, who, during the trial, has managed to unmask the tribunal and its creators, the western forces.