All texts and votes

Victor RUFFY

Victor  RUFFY

Member of the National Council
Conseil national
Palais du Parlement
BE Switzerland

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 06/10/1999 | Doc. 8574 | Motion for a recommendation Political solution to the Kurdish question in Turkey
  • 06/10/1999 | Doc. 8576 | Motion for a recommendation Need to strengthen the Council of Europe’s presence on the ground
  • 31/05/1999 | Doc. 8430 | Motion for a resolution Parliamentary control of international institutions
  • 05/05/1998 | Doc. 8112 | Written question No. 377 - The fate of the "Manisa children" in Turkey
  • 03/07/1997 | Doc. 7867 | Motion for a recommendation Continuing the fight against racism and intolerance
  • 22/04/1994 | Doc. 7075 | Motion for a recommendation Accession of east European countries and notably the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe
  • 04/02/1994 | Doc. 7016 | Motion for a resolution European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism
  • 22/02/1993 | Doc. 6765 | Written declaration No. 225 - Immediate release of Xanana Gusmão and the defence of human rights in East Timor
  • 18/02/1993 | Doc. 6779 | Written declaration No. 227 - Homosexual rights in the new democracies
  • 05/02/1993 | Doc. 6768 | Motion for a recommendation Diet and health
  • 05/02/1993 | Doc. 6770 | Motion for a recommendation Systematic gang rape of women and children on the territory of the former Yugoslavia
  • 16/10/1992 | Doc. 6712 | Motion for a recommendation Plight of the Kurdish people in Turkey
  • 05/10/1992 | Doc. 6693 | Motion for a resolution German-speaking community in Slovenia
  • 23/09/1992 | Doc. 6677 | Motion for a recommendation Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh
  • 22/09/1992 | Doc. 6678 | Motion for an Order Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh
  • 15/07/1992 | Doc. 6649 | Motion for a resolution Need for integrated planning of trunk communication routes with eastern and south-eastern Europe
  • 30/06/1992 | Doc. 6642 | Motion for a resolution Current European conflicts and the CSCE process
  • 13/02/1992 | Doc. 6577 | Motion for a resolution Population movements between the republics of the former Soviet Union
  • 12/02/1992 | Doc. 6576 | Motion for a resolution Europe's contribution to the fight against hunger and to the development of the most disadvantaged regions
  • 07/02/1992 | Doc. 6571 | Motion for a recommendation Situation of persons whose applications for asylum have been rejected
  • 07/02/1992 | Doc. 6570 | Written question No. 342 - Measures for Albania
  • 25/04/1991 | Doc. 6426 | Motion for an Order Situation of hospitals in Albania
  • 17/05/1989 | Doc. 6061 | Motion for a resolution Control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal
  • 27/01/1988 | Doc. 5849 | Motion for a resolution Ending the use of the drug methadone