All texts and votes



Deutscher Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
DE - 11011
BE Germany

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 14/05/1993 | Doc. 6842 | Motion for a recommendation "Reality TV"
  • 08/10/1992 | Doc. 6707 | Motion for a resolution Concerning the region of Kaliningrad (Russian Federation)
  • 02/10/1992 | Doc. 6688 | Motion for a resolution Crisis in the former Yugoslavia
  • 12/07/1985 | Doc. 5441 | Motion for a resolution Right of the Baltic peoples to self-determination
  • 12/07/1985 | Doc. 5442 | Motion for a resolution Human rights violations in prisons in the German Democratic Republic
  • 02/02/1984 | Doc. 5179 | Motion for a resolution Human rights movement in the USSR
  • 26/04/1982 | Doc. 4886 | Motion for a resolution Release of Mr Anatolii Martchenko defender of civil rights in the Soviet Union
  • 25/04/1980 | Doc. 4539 | Motion for a resolution Setting up in Strasbourg of a centre to document the development of the European idea