All texts and votes



BE France

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 22/09/1958 | Doc. 851 | Motion for a recommendation That the Council of Europe encourage European research in the field of agriculture
  • 17/03/1958 | Doc. 792 | Motion for a resolution Establishment of a European Social Charter
  • 15/01/1958 | Doc. 778 | Motion for a recommendation Equivalence of Diplomas in Agricultural Studies in Europe
  • 21/10/1957 | Doc. 729 | Motion for a recommendation Encouragement by the Council of Europe of European research in the agricultural sphere
  • 07/07/1955 | Doc. 381 | Motion for a recommendation Report of the Organisation for European Economic cooperation
  • 10/12/1954 | Doc. 330 | Motion for a recommendation Conclusions of the European Conference on Agriculture
  • 09/08/1950 | Doc. 35 | Motion for a resolution Signing of a European Federal Pact and the creation of a European Political Authority