All texts and votes



Senát Parlamentu
Valdštejnské náměstí 17/4
CZ - 118 01
Praha 1
BE Czechia

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions


Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 02/10/2014 | Resolution 2016 | Threats against humanity posed by the terrorist group known as “IS”: violence against Christians and other religious or ethnic communities
  • 02/10/2014 | Recommendation 2055 | Threats against humanity posed by the terrorist group known as “IS”: violence against Christians and other religious or ethnic communities
  • 01/10/2014 | Resolution 2015 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Georgia
  • 25/01/2011 | Resolution 1783 | Follow-up to the reform of the Council of Europe
  • 25/01/2011 | Recommendation 1951 | Follow-up to the reform of the Council of Europe
  • 25/01/2011 | Resolution 1782 | Investigation of allegations of inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo
  • 07/10/2010 | Resolution 1763 | The right to conscientious objection in lawful medical care
  • 07/10/2010 | Resolution 1760 | Recent rise in national security discourse in Europe: the case of Roma
  • 28/06/2007 | Resolution 1564 | Prosecution of offences falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
  • 28/06/2007 | Recommendation 1803 | Prosecution of offences falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
  • 27/06/2007 | Resolution 1563 | Combating anti-Semitism in Europe
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1558 | The feminisation of poverty
  • 26/06/2007 | Recommendation 1800 | The feminisation of poverty
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1557 | The image of women in advertising
  • 26/06/2007 | Recommendation 1799 | The image of women in advertising