All texts and votes



House of Parliament
Palaia Anactora
GR - 10021
BE Greece

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 22/10/2012 | Doc. 12988 | Written declaration Syrian aggression is a threat to Europe
  • 10/07/2012 | Doc. 12915 | Written declaration The progress of democratic reform in the Republic of Moldova
  • 06/07/2012 | Doc. 12995 | Motion for a resolution Optimum care for women with breast cancer
  • 04/07/2012 | Doc. 12934 | Written declaration Surrogate motherhood
  • 27/06/2012 | Doc. 12988 | Written declaration Syrian aggression is a threat to Europe
  • 27/06/2012 | Doc. 12991 | Written declaration Need to prevent interference with the construction of the Kyiv Jewish Community Center
  • 25/05/2012 | Doc. 12940 | Motion for a resolution Need to reinforce the independence of the European Court of Human Rights
  • 25/05/2012 | Doc. 12941 | Motion for a resolution Fathers and their influence on children’s well-being
  • 14/05/2012 | Doc. 12854 | Written declaration In support of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Ales Bialiatski, Belarusian Human Rights Defender
  • 04/05/2012 | Doc. 12925 | Motion for a resolution Metsamor nuclear power station – a permanent danger to the South Caucasus and Europe
  • 27/04/2012 | Doc. 12934 | Written declaration Surrogate motherhood
  • 26/04/2012 | Doc. 12922 | Written declaration The expropriation of the YPF Oil Company by the Argentine Government
  • 26/04/2012 | Doc. 12921 | Motion for a resolution Promoting the human rights of prisoners in Council of Europe member States
  • 26/04/2012 | Doc. 12920 | Motion for a recommendation Criminalising the purchase of sex to combat the trafficking of people for sexual exploitation
  • 24/04/2012 | Doc. 12909 | Motion for a resolution Refusing impunity for the killers of Sergei Magnitsky
  • 01/02/2012 | Doc. 12866 | Motion for a resolution The political transition in Egypt
  • 31/01/2012 | Doc. 12863 | Motion for a resolution The urgent need to solve the IDP and refugee problems arising from the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
  • 31/01/2012 | Doc. 12862 | Motion for a resolution Chinese migration to Europe: challenges and opportunities
  • 31/01/2012 | Doc. 12858 | Motion for a resolution Violence on television and its consequences on children
  • 31/01/2012 | Doc. 12860 | Motion for a resolution The idea of Big Society, development of subsidiarity and common good
  • 27/01/2012 | Doc. 12857 | Written declaration Condemning Egyptian raids against NGOs
  • 25/01/2012 | Doc. 12854 | Written declaration In support of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Ales Bialiatski, Belarusian Human Rights Defender
  • 25/01/2012 | Doc. 12851 | Written declaration A call for the international civil peacekeeping mission in the Transnistrian secessionist region
  • 25/01/2012 | Doc. 12850 | Motion for a resolution The need to amend Article 27 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly so as to establish German, Italian and Russian, which have hitherto been working languages, as official languages of the Assembly
  • 23/01/2012 | Doc. 12842 | Motion for a recommendation Accountability of international institutions for human rights violations
  • 23/01/2012 | Doc. 12841 | Motion for a resolution Witness protection as an indispensable tool in the fight against organised crime and terrorism in Europe
  • 06/10/2011 | Doc. 12762 | Written declaration Turkey’s threats against the sovereign right of the Republic of Cyprus to explore its oil and natural gas resources within its Exclusive Economic Zone
  • 24/08/2011 | Doc. 12696 | Motion for a resolution The European Convention on Nationality: application and solution proposals
  • 24/08/2011 | Doc. 12698 | Motion for a resolution Towards the International Year of the Family 2014
  • 07/07/2011 | Doc. 12684 | Written declaration Natural Human Rights
  • 30/06/2011 | Doc. 12682 | Motion for a resolution The ILO Convention on domestic workers, good opportunity for the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 27/06/2011 | Doc. 12672 | Motion for a resolution Child friendly justice
  • 22/06/2011 | Doc. 12659 | Motion for a resolution Promoting alternatives to imprisonment
  • 22/06/2011 | Doc. 12660 | Written declaration Guantánamo prisoner Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri
  • 15/06/2011 | Doc. 12639 | Motion for a recommendation Strengthening the institution of Ombudsman in Europe
  • 27/05/2011 | Doc. 12509 | Written declaration For a strong and united Europe, for the future of Europe
  • 18/04/2011 | Doc. 12595 | Motion for a resolution The protection of minors against sectarian influence
  • 13/04/2011 | Doc. 12587 | Motion for a resolution Criteria for the definition of a political prisoner
  • 13/04/2011 | Doc. 12586 | Motion for a resolution Reinforcing the selection processes of experts of the monitoring mechanisms of the Council of Europe
  • 12/04/2011 | Doc. 12583 | Written declaration Non-compliance of Azerbaijan with its commitments
  • 30/03/2011 | Doc. 12557 | Motion for a resolution The arrival of large numbers of irregular migrants to Italian coastal areas as a result of tensions in the southern Mediterranean countries
  • 25/03/2011 | Doc. 12552 | Motion for a resolution Offshore wind farms: an economic and ecological opportunity for Europe
  • 14/02/2011 | Doc. 12394 | Written declaration The Armenian Law on Television and Radio negatively impedes pluralism in the media and limits the freedom of information
  • 02/02/2011 | Doc. 12514 | Motion for a resolution Energy diversification, a common European economic interest
  • 27/01/2011 | Doc. 12509 | Written declaration For a strong and united Europe, for the future of Europe
  • 27/01/2011 | Doc. 12505 | Written declaration Interruption of the Christmas mass in the northern occupied part of Cyprus by Turkish troops and restrictions to the right to freedom of religion and worship
  • 01/12/2010 | Doc. 12442 | Motion for a resolution Food security and the environment
  • 18/10/2010 | Doc. 12418 | Written declaration Council of Europe reform: participation of civil society in danger
  • 13/10/2010 | Doc. 12407 | Motion for a resolution Confidence-building measures before the next national elections in Turkey
  • 12/10/2010 | Doc. 12403 | Motion for a resolution Protection of the urban architecture of Korcha, Albania
  • 07/10/2010 | Doc. 12401 | Motion for a resolution Byzantine icons in the Museum of Mediaeval Art in Albania
  • 06/10/2010 | Doc. 12394 | Written declaration The Armenian Law on Television and Radio negatively impedes pluralism in the media and limits the freedom of information
  • 29/09/2010 | Doc. 12372 | Motion for a resolution Nanotechnologies, a new danger to the environment?
  • 28/09/2010 | Doc. 12371 | Motion for a resolution The administrative organisation of large metropolises: a key to strengthening local democracy in Europe
  • 23/06/2010 | Doc. 12318 | Written declaration The necessity to put an end to the violations of human rights in the secessionist region of Transnistria of the Republic of Moldova
  • 10/06/2010 | Doc. 12290 | Motion for a resolution Continuation of the Council of Europe dialogue in the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins
  • 31/05/2010 | Doc. 12273 | Motion for a resolution Dangers of nuclear energy towards the environment
  • 11/05/2010 | Doc. 12255 | Motion for a resolution Action to combat violence against women must also take account of psychological violence
  • 29/04/2010 | Doc. 12237 | Written declaration The 65th anniversary of the end of World War II
  • 29/04/2010 | Doc. 12241 | Written declaration Condemning the interruption and destruction of telecommunications in Kosovo* and Metohija
  • 28/04/2010 | Doc. 12233 | Motion for a recommendation Right of member states to cultivate or not to cultivate genetically modified crops
  • 28/04/2010 | Doc. 12227 | Motion for a resolution Armenia's determination to become a monoethnic State and implement a policy against its national minorities
  • 14/03/2010 | Doc. 12287 | Motion for a resolution Fundamental Rights and fundamental duties and responsibilities
  • 23/02/2010 | Doc. 12176 | Motion for a resolution Water resources and the risk of conflict
  • 03/02/2010 | Doc. 12158 | Motion for a resolution Inadmissibility of honouring militant nationalists as heroes
  • 07/07/2009 | Doc. 11980 | Motion for a resolution Return of the “Elgin Marbles” to Greece
  • 24/10/2007 | Doc. 11403 | Written declaration Patriarch Alexi II’s opposition to freedom of assembly for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
  • 21/06/2005 | Doc. 10598 | Motion for a resolution Europe’s contribution to improve water management
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 26/06/2012 | Resolution 1886 | The impact of the economic crisis on local and regional authorities in Europe
  • 26/06/2012 | Resolution 1884 | Austerity measures – a danger for democracy and social rights
  • 26/06/2012 | Resolution 1885 | The young generation sacrificed: social, economic and political implications of the financial crisis
  • 26/06/2012 | Recommendation 2002 | The young generation sacrificed: social, economic and political implications of the financial crisis
  • 26/04/2012 | Resolution 1878 | The situation in Syria
  • 27/01/2012 | Resolution 1863 | Enforced population transfer as a human rights violation
  • 14/04/2011 | Resolution 1807 | The death penalty in Council of Europe member and observer states: a violation of human rights
  • 13/04/2011 | Resolution 1802 | The need to assess progress in the implementation of the Bern Convention
  • 13/04/2011 | Recommendation 1964 | The need to assess progress in the implementation of the Bern Convention
  • 13/04/2011 | Resolution 1801 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by Georgia
  • 27/01/2011 | Recommendation 1957 | Violence against Christians in the Middle East
  • 07/10/2010 | Resolution 1760 | Recent rise in national security discourse in Europe: the case of Roma
  • 05/10/2010 | Resolution 1754 | Fight against extremism: achievements, deficiencies and failures
  • 05/10/2010 | Recommendation 1933 | Fight against extremism: achievements, deficiencies and failures
  • 23/06/2010 | Resolution 1744 | Extra-institutional actors in the democratic system
  • 23/06/2010 | Resolution 1746 | Democracy in Europe: crisis and perspectives
  • 23/06/2010 | Recommendation 1928 | Democracy in Europe: crisis and perspectives
  • 23/06/2010 | Resolution 1745 | The political consequences of the economic crisis
  • 22/06/2010 | Resolution 1739 | The situation in Kosovo* and the role of the Council of Europe
  • 22/06/2010 | Recommendation 1923 | The situation in Kosovo* and the role of the Council of Europe
  • 30/04/2010 | Resolution 1731 | Euro-Mediterranean region: call for a Council of Europe strategy
  • 30/04/2010 | Recommendation 1919 | Euro-Mediterranean region: call for a Council of Europe strategy
  • 30/04/2010 | Recommendation 1918 | Biodiversity and climate change
  • 30/04/2010 | Recommendation 1917 | Migrants and refugees: a continuing challenge for the Council of Europe
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1717 | The social impact of the economic crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1720 | Investing in family cohesion as a development factor in times of crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Recommendation 1912 | Investing in family cohesion as a development factor in times of crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1719 | Women and the economic and financial crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Recommendation 1911 | Women and the economic and financial crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1721 | Wealth, welfare and well-being: how to reconcile them in a changing Europe?
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1718 | The impact of the global economic crisis on migration in Europe
  • 27/04/2010 | Recommendation 1910 | The impact of the global economic crisis on migration in Europe
  • 29/01/2010 | Recommendation 1903 | Fifteen years since the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action
  • 28/01/2010 | Resolution 1708 | Solving property issues of refugees and internally displaced persons
  • 28/01/2010 | Recommendation 1901 | Solving property issues of refugees and internally displaced persons
  • 28/01/2010 | Resolution 1709 | Functioning of democratic institutions in Albania
  • 28/01/2010 | Recommendation 1902 | Functioning of democratic institutions in Albania
  • 27/01/2010 | Resolution 1704 | Freedom of religion and other human rights for non-Muslim minorities in Turkey and for the Muslim minority in Thrace (eastern Greece)
  • 24/06/2009 | Resolution 1676 | State of human rights in Europe and the progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure
  • 28/06/2007 | Resolution 1566 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Monaco
  • 27/06/2007 | Resolution 1562 | Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report
  • 27/06/2007 | Recommendation 1801 | Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report
  • 18/04/2007 | Recommendation 1791 | State of human rights and democracy in Europe
  • 18/04/2007 | Resolution 1547 | State of human rights and democracy in Europe
  • 18/04/2007 | Resolution 1548 | Progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure
  • 24/01/2007 | Recommendation 1780 | Current situation in Kosovo