All texts and votes

Patrick BREEN

Patrick  BREEN

Dáil Éireann
Leinster House, Kildare Street
IE -
Dublin 2
BE Ireland

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 14/02/2011 | Doc. 12400 | Written declaration Ending sexual violence against children
  • 13/10/2010 | Doc. 12406 | Motion for a recommendation The need to combat “match-fixing”
  • 07/10/2010 | Doc. 12400 | Written declaration Ending sexual violence against children
  • 09/06/2010 | Doc. 12289 | Motion for a recommendation The extension of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to all countries
  • 09/06/2010 | Doc. 12288 | Motion for a resolution Halting the sharp decline in youth employment
  • 11/05/2010 | Doc. 12251 | Motion for a resolution National sovereignty and statehood in contemporary international law: the need for clarification
  • 14/03/2010 | Doc. 12287 | Motion for a resolution Fundamental Rights and fundamental duties and responsibilities
  • 27/01/2010 | Doc. 12148 | Written declaration Iran
  • 07/07/2009 | Doc. 11980 | Motion for a resolution Return of the “Elgin Marbles” to Greece
  • 18/05/2009 | Doc. 11884 | Written declaration Colonisation of the occupied part of Cyprus
  • 29/04/2009 | Doc. 11884 | Written declaration Colonisation of the occupied part of Cyprus
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 23/06/2009 | Resolution 1671 | Situation in Belarus
  • 23/06/2009 | Recommendation 1874 | Situation in Belarus
  • 29/04/2009 | Resolution 1665 | The election process for the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
  • 26/06/2008 | Resolution 1621 | General policy debate on the situation in China
  • 16/04/2008 | Resolution 1607 | Access to safe and legal abortion in Europe
  • 16/04/2008 | Resolution 1608 | Child and teenage suicide in Europe: A serious public-health issue