All texts and votes



Chancellery of the Senate
ul. Wiejska 4/6/8
PL - 00-902
BE Poland

Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 29/06/2007 | Recommendation 1804 | State, religion, secularity and human rights
  • 28/06/2007 | Resolution 1564 | Prosecution of offences falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
  • 28/06/2007 | Recommendation 1803 | Prosecution of offences falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
  • 28/06/2007 | Resolution 1566 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Monaco
  • 28/06/2007 | Resolution 1565 | How to prevent cybercrime against state institutions in member and observer states?
  • 27/06/2007 | Recommendation 1802 | Situation of longstanding refugees and displaced persons in South East Europe
  • 27/06/2007 | Resolution 1563 | Combating anti-Semitism in Europe
  • 27/06/2007 | Resolution 1562 | Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report
  • 27/06/2007 | Recommendation 1801 | Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1558 | The feminisation of poverty
  • 26/06/2007 | Recommendation 1800 | The feminisation of poverty
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1559 | Europe’s social dimension: full implementation of the revised European Social Charter and evaluation of new labour regulations and minimum wages
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1557 | The image of women in advertising
  • 26/06/2007 | Recommendation 1799 | The image of women in advertising
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1508 | The contribution of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to economic development in central and eastern Europe
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1561 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): focus on eastern and south-eastern Europe
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1560 | Promotion by Council of Europe member states of an international moratorium on the death penalty
  • 25/06/2007 | Resolution 1556 | Euro-Mediterranean agricultural and rural policy
  • 26/01/2007 | Recommendation 1786 | Towards responsible food consumption
  • 26/01/2007 | Recommendation 1787 | The precautionary principle and responsible risk management
  • 25/01/2007 | Resolution 1536 | HIV/AIDS in Europe
  • 25/01/2007 | Recommendation 1784 | HIV/AIDS in Europe
  • 25/01/2007 | Recommendation 1785 | The spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic to women and girls in Europe
  • 25/01/2007 | Resolution 1537 | A future for children infected with HIV/Aids and Aids orphans
  • 25/01/2007 | Resolution 1538 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Albania
  • 25/01/2007 | Resolution 1535 | Threats to the lives and freedom of expression of journalists
  • 25/01/2007 | Recommendation 1783 | Threats to the lives and freedom of expression of journalists
  • 24/01/2007 | Recommendation 1780 | Current situation in Kosovo
  • 24/01/2007 | Resolution 1534 | The situation of migrant workers in temporary employment agencies (TEAs)
  • 24/01/2007 | Recommendation 1782 | The situation of migrant workers in temporary employment agencies (TEAs)
  • 24/01/2007 | Recommendation 1781 | Agriculture and illegal employment in Europe
  • 23/01/2007 | Resolution 1531 | Danger of using energy supplies as an instrument of political pressure
  • 23/01/2007 | Recommendation 1779 | Danger of using energy supplies as an instrument of political pressure
  • 23/01/2007 | Resolution 1532 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Armenia
  • 23/01/2007 | Resolution 1530 | Child victims: stamping out all forms of violence, exploitation and abuse
  • 23/01/2007 | Recommendation 1778 | Child victims: stamping out all forms of violence, exploitation and abuse