All texts and votes



Hungarian National Assembly
Kossuth Lajos tér 1-3
HU - 1357
BE Hungary

Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 29/04/2010 | Resolution 1728 | Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
  • 29/04/2010 | Recommendation 1915 | Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
  • 24/06/2009 | Resolution 1675 | State of human rights in Europe: the need to eradicate impunity
  • 24/06/2009 | Recommendation 1876 | State of human rights in Europe: the need to eradicate impunity
  • 29/04/2009 | Resolution 1664 | Humanitarian consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia: follow-up given to Resolution 1648 (2009)
  • 29/04/2009 | Recommendation 1869 | Humanitarian consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia: follow-up given to Resolution 1648 (2009)
  • 29/04/2009 | Resolution 1665 | The election process for the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
  • 28/04/2009 | Resolution 1661 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Serbia
  • 28/04/2009 | Recommendation 1867 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Serbia
  • 01/10/2008 | Recommendation 1845 | Situation of national minorities in Vojvodina and of the Romanian ethnic minority in Serbia
  • 01/10/2008 | Resolution 1631 | Reconsideration on substantial grounds of previously ratified credentials of the Russian delegation
  • 03/10/2007 | Recommendation 1811 | Regionalisation in Europe
  • 23/01/2007 | Resolution 1531 | Danger of using energy supplies as an instrument of political pressure
  • 23/01/2007 | Recommendation 1779 | Danger of using energy supplies as an instrument of political pressure
  • 23/01/2007 | Resolution 1530 | Child victims: stamping out all forms of violence, exploitation and abuse
  • 23/01/2007 | Recommendation 1778 | Child victims: stamping out all forms of violence, exploitation and abuse