All texts and votes



Camera dei deputati
Palazzo Montecitorio
IT - 00186
BE Italy

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions


Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 03/10/2007 | Resolution 1573 | Realising both economic growth and social protection in Europe in an era of globalisation
  • 03/10/2007 | Recommendation 1811 | Regionalisation in Europe
  • 02/10/2007 | Resolution 1570 | The humanitarian crisis in Darfur
  • 01/10/2007 | Resolution 1569 | Assessment of transit and processing centres as a response to mixed flows of migrants and asylum seekers
  • 01/10/2007 | Recommendation 1808 | Assessment of transit and processing centres as a response to mixed flows of migrants and asylum seekers
  • 01/10/2007 | Resolution 1568 | Regularisation programmes for irregular migrants
  • 01/10/2007 | Recommendation 1807 | Regularisation programmes for irregular migrants
  • 01/10/2007 | Recommendation 1806 | Activities of the International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • 27/06/2007 | Recommendation 1802 | Situation of longstanding refugees and displaced persons in South East Europe
  • 27/06/2007 | Resolution 1562 | Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report
  • 27/06/2007 | Recommendation 1801 | Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1558 | The feminisation of poverty
  • 26/06/2007 | Recommendation 1800 | The feminisation of poverty
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1559 | Europe’s social dimension: full implementation of the revised European Social Charter and evaluation of new labour regulations and minimum wages
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1508 | The contribution of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to economic development in central and eastern Europe
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1561 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): focus on eastern and south-eastern Europe
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1560 | Promotion by Council of Europe member states of an international moratorium on the death penalty
  • 18/04/2007 | Recommendation 1791 | State of human rights and democracy in Europe
  • 18/04/2007 | Resolution 1547 | State of human rights and democracy in Europe
  • 18/04/2007 | Resolution 1548 | Progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure