All texts and votes



Deutscher Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
DE - 11011
BE Germany

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 24/04/2024 | Doc. 15915 | Written declaration Iran: people's rights against repression
  • 01/02/2024 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran
  • 26/01/2024 | Doc. 15915 | Written declaration Iran: people's rights against repression
  • 25/01/2024 | Doc. 15912 | Motion for a resolution Externalising asylum increases the risk of undermining the system of international protection
  • 12/10/2023 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran
  • 27/06/2023 | Doc. 15754 | Written declaration Palestinian Intelligence Services must cease political harassment of human rights lawyers
  • 23/05/2023 | Doc. 15777 | Motion for a resolution The detention of Julian Assange and its chilling effects on human rights
  • 04/05/2023 | Doc. 15763 | Written declaration Electoral integrity under potential threat in Türkiye
  • 27/04/2023 | Doc. 15752 | Motion for a resolution A parliamentary sponsorship programme between the Parliamentary Assembly members and human rights defenders or the politically oppressed
  • 27/04/2023 | Doc. 15754 | Written declaration Palestinian Intelligence Services must cease political harassment of human rights lawyers
  • 30/01/2023 | Doc. 15700 | Motion for a resolution Global rules to eliminate all forms of religious oppression
  • 30/01/2023 | Doc. 15701 | Motion for a resolution The foreseeable wealth gap in the automated future
  • 26/01/2023 | Doc. 15693 | Motion for a resolution Ensuring Azerbaijan’s accountability for serious violations of international humanitarian law and its statutory obligations
  • 24/01/2023 | Doc. 15688 | Motion for a resolution The situation in Iran
  • 05/01/2023 | Doc. 15676 | Motion for a resolution Reparation and reconciliation processes to overcome past conflicts and build a common peaceful future – the question of just and equal redress
  • 12/10/2022 | Doc. 15633 | Motion for a resolution Europe should stand in solidarity with the Russian and Belarusian anti-war movement
  • 11/10/2022 | Doc. 15629 | Motion for a resolution Immigration, one of the answers to Europe's demographic aging
  • 01/10/2020 | Doc. 15155 | Motion for a resolution Poisoning of Alexei Navalny
  • 01/09/2020 | Doc. 15130 | Motion for a resolution Call for an inclusive national political process in Belarus
  • 31/01/2020 | Doc. 15061 | Written declaration Defend the rights of Julian Assange and the freedom of the press
  • 31/01/2020 | Doc. 15062 | Written declaration Persecution of civil society in Kazakhstan: personal sanctions must be imposed and trade co-operation reviewed
  • 30/01/2020 | Doc. 15057 | Written declaration The Turkish authorities must drop all charges against LGBTI activists who participated in Pride
  • 28/01/2020 | Doc. 15042 | Written declaration Chinese police forces in Europe
  • 28/01/2020 | Doc. 15043 | Written declaration Investigations against Hungarian opposition parties
  • 15/10/2019 | Doc. 14918 | Written declaration Investigating and preventing corruption at the Council of Europe
  • 04/10/2019 | Doc. 14992 | Motion for a resolution The Parliamentary Assembly must contribute to restoring peace in Ukraine
  • 03/10/2019 | Doc. 14980 | Motion for a recommendation Ratification of the Istanbul convention by the United Kingdom
  • 02/10/2019 | Doc. 14979 | Written declaration The role of the Polish National Television in the upcoming elections
  • 04/07/2019 | Doc. 14946 | Motion for a resolution Best interests of the child and policies to ensure a work-life balance
  • 04/07/2019 | Doc. 14948 | Motion for a recommendation Artificial intelligence in health care: medical, legal and ethical challenges ahead
  • 03/07/2019 | Doc. 14870 | Written declaration Concerns about reports of crackdown on members of the LGBTI community in Azerbaijan
  • 03/07/2019 | Doc. 14872 | Written declaration The Armenian authorities must take action to protect LGBTI persons from violence and discrimination
  • 03/07/2019 | Doc. 14877 | Written declaration Right to know and access to information in Italy
  • 27/06/2019 | Doc. 14927 | Written declaration Solidarity with Sea-Watch
  • 24/06/2019 | Doc. 14918 | Written declaration Investigating and preventing corruption at the Council of Europe
  • 24/04/2019 | Doc. 14813 | Written declaration Upsurge of violence against Roma communities in Europe
  • 24/04/2019 | Doc. 14817 | Written declaration The Council of Europe must act against the expulsions of refugees from the reception centres for asylum seekers in Italy
  • 12/04/2019 | Doc. 14878 | Motion for a resolution Addressing the issue of Daesh foreign fighters and their families returning from Syria and other countries to the member States of the Council of Europe
  • 11/04/2019 | Doc. 14872 | Written declaration The Armenian authorities must take action to protect LGBTI persons from violence and discrimination
  • 11/04/2019 | Doc. 14877 | Written declaration Right to know and access to information in Italy
  • 10/04/2019 | Doc. 14870 | Written declaration Concerns about reports of crackdown on members of the LGBTI community in Azerbaijan
  • 12/02/2019 | Doc. 14644 | Written declaration Greek islands: more needs to be done
  • 25/01/2019 | Doc. 14823 | Motion for a resolution Countering ill democracies in Europe
  • 24/01/2019 | Doc. 14817 | Written declaration The Council of Europe must act against the expulsions of refugees from the reception centres for asylum seekers in Italy
  • 24/01/2019 | Doc. 14818 | Motion for a resolution Transparency and regulation of donations to political parties and electoral campaigns from foreign donors
  • 23/01/2019 | Doc. 14813 | Written declaration Upsurge of violence against Roma communities in Europe
  • 16/10/2018 | Doc. 14656 | Motion for a resolution The rights of the German minority in Romania
  • 12/10/2018 | Doc. 14652 | Motion for a resolution Misuse of the Schengen system by Council of Europe member States as a politically-motivated sanction
  • 11/10/2018 | Doc. 14644 | Written declaration Greek islands: more needs to be done
  • 28/06/2018 | Doc. 14595 | Written declaration Political prosecutions undermine the trust in the Kazakhstani justice system
  • 27/04/2018 | Doc. 14555 | Motion for a resolution Threats to media freedom and journalists’ security in Europe
  • 26/04/2018 | Doc. 14549 | Written declaration Members of the Parliamentary Assembly ask Iran not to carry out the death penalty of Ahmadeza Djalali
  • 23/03/2018 | Doc. 14517 | Motion for a resolution New forms of public debate on the ethical aspects of rapid advances in science and technology
  • 23/03/2018 | Doc. 14518 | Motion for a resolution Time to act: Europe’s political response to fighting the manipulation of sports competitions
  • 12/10/2017 | Doc. 14425 | Written declaration International obligations of the Republic of Moldova and risks for its credibility abroad
  • 30/06/2017 | Doc. 14383 | Motion for dismissal Dismissal of Mr Pedro Agramunt, President of the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 05/05/2017 | Doc. 14256 | Written declaration Parliamentary Assembly integrity
  • 11/07/2016 | Doc. 14036 | Written declaration Justice for Giulio Regeni
  • 21/04/2016 | Doc. 14036 | Written declaration Justice for Giulio Regeni
  • 30/09/2015 | Doc. 13890 | Motion for a resolution Protecting refugee women from gender-based violence
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 26/06/2024 | Recommendation 2279 | Legal and human rights aspects of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine
  • 26/06/2024 | Resolution 2556 | Legal and human rights aspects of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine
  • 26/06/2024 | Resolution 2557 | The role of sanctions in countering the Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine
  • 26/06/2024 | Recommendation 2280 | Countering the erasure of cultural identity in war and peace
  • 26/06/2024 | Resolution 2558 | Countering the erasure of cultural identity in war and peace
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2542 | Sanctions against persons on the "Kara-Murza list"
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2540 | Alexei Navalny's death and the need to counter Vladimir Putin's totalitarian regime and its war on democracy
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2541 | The arbitrary detention of Vladimir Kara-Murza and the systematic persecution of anti-war protesters in the Russian Federation and Belarus
  • 23/01/2024 | Resolution 2525 | The theme of migration and asylum in election campaigns and its consequences on the reception of migrants and their rights
  • 23/01/2024 | Resolution 2524 | Recent developments in the Middle East: Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel and Israel’s response
  • 10/10/2023 | Resolution 2511 | The challenge of far-right ideology to democracy and human rights in Europe
  • 20/06/2023 | Resolution 2499 | Addressing the specific challenges faced by the Belarusians in exile
  • 26/04/2023 | Recommendation 2251 | Political strategies to prevent, prepare for and face the consequences of natural disasters
  • 26/04/2023 | Resolution 2493 | Political strategies to prevent, prepare for and face the consequences of natural disasters
  • 26/04/2023 | Recommendation 2252 | Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
  • 26/04/2023 | Resolution 2494 | Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
  • 24/01/2023 | Resolution 2476 | Conflict-related sexual violence
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2458 | Misuse of the Schengen Information System by Council of Europe member States as a politically motivated sanction
  • 11/10/2022 | Recommendation 2237 | Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2456 | Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2457 | Raising awareness of and countering Islamophobia, or anti-Muslim racism, in Europe
  • 15/03/2022 | Opinion 300 | Consequences of the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine
  • 28/01/2021 | Resolution 2363 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 26/01/2021 | Resolution 2360 | Modification of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure – Follow-up to Resolution 2319 (2020) on the complementary joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly in response to a serious violation by a member State of its statutory obligations
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2319 | Complementary joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly in response to a serious violation by a member State of its statutory obligations
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2320 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 28/01/2020 | Recommendation 2168 | Threats to media freedom and journalists’ security in Europe
  • 28/01/2020 | Resolution 2317 | Threats to media freedom and journalists’ security in Europe
  • 28/01/2020 | Resolution 2316 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Poland
  • 03/10/2019 | Resolution 2305 | Saving lives in the Mediterranean: the need for an urgent response
  • 01/10/2019 | Recommendation 2162 | Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe
  • 01/10/2019 | Resolution 2300 | Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe
  • 27/06/2019 | Resolution 2297 | Shedding light on the murder of Boris Nemtsov
  • 26/06/2019 | Resolution 2293 | Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination and the rule of law in Malta and beyond: ensuring that the whole truth emerges
  • 26/06/2019 | Resolution 2292 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 24/06/2019 | Resolution 2287 | Strengthening the decision-making process of the Parliamentary Assembly concerning credentials and voting
  • 11/04/2019 | Resolution 2278 | Modification of various provisions of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure
  • 10/04/2019 | Recommendation 2153 | Role and mission of the Parliamentary Assembly: main challenges for the future
  • 10/04/2019 | Resolution 2277 | Role and mission of the Parliamentary Assembly: main challenges for the future
  • 09/04/2019 | Recommendation 2151 | Establishment of a European Union mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2273 | Establishment of a European Union mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
  • 22/01/2019 | Resolution 2253 | Sharia, the Cairo Declaration and the European Convention on Human Rights
  • 22/01/2019 | Resolution 2251 | Updating guidelines to ensure fair referendums in Council of Europe member States
  • 11/10/2018 | Resolution 2242 | The role of national parliaments in successful decentralisation processes
  • 28/06/2018 | Resolution 2231 | Ukrainian citizens detained as political prisoners by the Russian Federation
  • 27/06/2018 | Recommendation 2134 | New restrictions on NGO activities in Council of Europe member States
  • 27/06/2018 | Resolution 2226 | New restrictions on NGO activities in Council of Europe member States
  • 26/04/2018 | Recommendation 2128 | Follow-up to the report of the Independent Investigation Body on the allegations of corruption within the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 26/04/2018 | Resolution 2216 | Follow-up to the report of the Independent Investigation Body on the allegations of corruption within the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 11/10/2017 | Resolution 2185 | Azerbaijan’s Chairmanship of the Council of Europe: what follow-up on respect for human rights?
  • 11/10/2017 | Resolution 2184 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan
  • 20/04/2016 | Resolution 2106 | Renewed commitment in the fight against antisemitism in Europe