All texts and votes



BE Azerbaijan

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 01/02/2024 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran
  • 12/10/2023 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran
  • 20/06/2023 | Doc. 15798 | Written declaration Safeguarding the right to return and ensuring justice for expelled Azerbaijanis
  • 09/05/2023 | Doc. 15708 | Written declaration The inadmissibility of the terrorist act committed against the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • 07/02/2023 | Doc. 15708 | Written declaration The inadmissibility of the terrorist act committed against the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • 14/10/2022 | Doc. 15636 | Motion for a resolution Risks and opportunities of the Metaverse
  • 20/05/2022 | Doc. 15460 | Written declaration 30th anniversary of the Khojaly massacre
  • 27/04/2022 | Doc. 15512 | Motion for a resolution Guaranteeing media freedom and the safety of journalists: an obligation of member States
  • 23/02/2022 | Doc. 15460 | Written declaration 30th anniversary of the Khojaly massacre
  • 08/10/2021 | Doc. 15326 | Written declaration Disclosure of all information by Armenia on the location of minefields is urgently needed to avoid further loss of human life
  • 22/06/2021 | Doc. 15326 | Written declaration Disclosure of all information by Armenia on the location of minefields is urgently needed to avoid further loss of human life
  • 15/02/2021 | Doc. 15103 | Written declaration Pan-European solidarity in times of fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 29/04/2020 | Doc. 15103 | Written declaration Pan-European solidarity in times of fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 26/04/2016 | Doc. 14043 | Motion for a resolution Safeguarding the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace, Greece
  • 26/05/2015 | Doc. 13774 | Written declaration The attempt at undemocratic seizure of power in Macedonia {According to Resolution (95) 23 of the Committee of Ministers, for all purposes within the Council of Europe, this State is provisionally referred to as “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” pending settlement of the difference which has arisen over the name of this State.}
  • 23/01/2015 | Doc. 13675 | Motion for a recommendation The allocation of seats in the Parliamentary Assembly with respect to Turkey
  • 15/07/2014 | Doc. 13489 | Written declaration Situation in Syria: humanitarian crisis and solidarity
  • 30/06/2014 | Doc. 13558 | Motion for a resolution The need to prevent and combat separatist practices
  • 18/06/2014 | Doc. 13535 | Motion for a resolution The application of sanctions against Armenia for its armed occupation of Azerbaijani territories
  • 10/04/2014 | Doc. 13489 | Written declaration Situation in Syria: humanitarian crisis and solidarity
  • 11/12/2013 | Doc. 13364 | Motion for a resolution Freedom of religion and religious practices
  • 04/10/2013 | Doc. 13331 | Written declaration Follow-up to the Armenian President’s address before the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 03/07/2013 | Doc. 13270 | Motion for a resolution Expected humanitarian catastrophe caused by the dangerous condition of the Sarsang water reservoir in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan
  • 22/10/2012 | Doc. 12988 | Written declaration Syrian aggression is a threat to Europe
  • 27/06/2012 | Doc. 12988 | Written declaration Syrian aggression is a threat to Europe
  • 04/05/2012 | Doc. 12925 | Motion for a resolution Metsamor nuclear power station – a permanent danger to the South Caucasus and Europe
  • 27/01/2012 | Doc. 12856 | Written declaration Dangers of restricting freedom of expression
  • 26/01/2012 | Doc. 12855 | Written declaration 20th anniversary of the Khojaly Massacre
  • 05/10/2011 | Doc. 12755 | Written declaration Armenia's policy towards undermining the solution of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh
  • 05/10/2011 | Doc. 12757 | Written declaration The tragic death of Aygun Shahmaliyeva, another child victim of the Armenian aggression towards Azerbaijan
  • 15/06/2011 | Doc. 12639 | Motion for a recommendation Strengthening the institution of Ombudsman in Europe
  • 27/01/2011 | Doc. 12504 | Motion for a resolution Health-care rationing: a threat to equal access to health?
  • 27/01/2011 | Doc. 12508 | Written declaration The Anniversary of the Khojaly Massacre
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 11/10/2023 | Recommendation 2258 | Pegasus and similar spyware and secret State surveillance
  • 11/10/2023 | Resolution 2513 | Pegasus and similar spyware and secret State surveillance
  • 12/10/2022 | Resolution 2460 | The honouring of membership obligations to the Council of Europe by Hungary
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2458 | Misuse of the Schengen Information System by Council of Europe member States as a politically motivated sanction
  • 11/10/2022 | Recommendation 2237 | Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2457 | Raising awareness of and countering Islamophobia, or anti-Muslim racism, in Europe
  • 26/04/2022 | Recommendation 2227 | Deinstitutionalisation of persons with disabilities
  • 26/04/2022 | Resolution 2431 | Deinstitutionalisation of persons with disabilities
  • 26/04/2022 | Resolution 2432 | Tackling discrimination based on social origin
  • 25/04/2022 | Recommendation 2225 | For an assessment of the means and provisions to combat children's exposure to pornographic content
  • 25/04/2022 | Resolution 2429 | For an assessment of the means and provisions to combat children's exposure to pornographic content
  • 25/01/2022 | Resolution 2419 | The role of the media in times of crisis
  • 24/01/2022 | Recommendation 2218 | The right to be heard – Child participation: a foundation for democratic societies
  • 24/01/2022 | Resolution 2414 | The right to be heard – Child participation: a foundation for democratic societies
  • 24/01/2022 | Recommendation 2219 | Inaction on climate change – A violation of children's rights
  • 24/01/2022 | Resolution 2415 | Inaction on climate change – A violation of children's rights
  • 22/06/2021 | Recommendation 2205 | Overcoming the socio-economic crisis sparked by the Covid-19 pandemic
  • 22/06/2021 | Resolution 2384 | Overcoming the socio-economic crisis sparked by the Covid-19 pandemic
  • 22/06/2021 | Recommendation 2206 | Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children’s rights
  • 22/06/2021 | Resolution 2385 | Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children’s rights
  • 01/10/2015 | Resolution 2078 | The progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure (October 2014-August 2015)
  • 30/09/2015 | Resolution 2076 | Freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society
  • 30/09/2015 | Recommendation 2080 | Freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society
  • 04/10/2013 | Resolution 1958 | Combating discrimination against older persons on the labour market
  • 02/10/2013 | Recommendation 2025 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 02/10/2013 | Resolution 1955 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by the Republic of Moldova
  • 01/10/2013 | Resolution 1953 | The progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure (June 2012 – September 2013)
  • 03/10/2012 | Resolution 1900 | The definition of political prisoner
  • 27/01/2011 | Recommendation 1957 | Violence against Christians in the Middle East