All texts and votes



BE Russian Federation*

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 16/04/2014 | Doc. 13499 | Motion for a resolution Introduction of sanctions against parliamentarians
  • 05/02/2014 | Doc. 13427 | Motion for a resolution The situation regarding human rights activists in Estonia
  • 11/10/2013 | Doc. 13259 | Written declaration The right to the family as the fundamental unit of society
  • 08/07/2013 | Doc. 13280 | Motion for a recommendation Coordinated strategies for effective Internet governance
  • 04/07/2013 | Doc. 13275 | Motion for a resolution Persecution of Christians and the diminishing of Christian communities in the Muslim world, particularly in Syria
  • 26/06/2013 | Doc. 13255 | Motion for a resolution Serious setbacks in the fields of human rights and the rule of law in France
  • 26/06/2013 | Doc. 13259 | Written declaration The right to the family as the fundamental unit of society
  • 10/10/2012 | Doc. 13054 | Motion for a resolution The abuse by social services of member States of the Council of Europe of their authority to remove children from their parents’ custody
  • 10/10/2012 | Doc. 13055 | Motion for a resolution Ensuring children with attention problems are properly cared for
  • 06/07/2012 | Doc. 12995 | Motion for a resolution Optimum care for women with breast cancer
  • 06/07/2012 | Doc. 13004 | Motion for a resolution The impact of major sport events on democracy and human rights
  • 06/07/2012 | Doc. 13005 | Motion for a recommendation Raise the status of technical vocational training
  • 04/07/2012 | Doc. 12934 | Written declaration Surrogate motherhood
  • 27/04/2012 | Doc. 12934 | Written declaration Surrogate motherhood
  • 26/04/2012 | Doc. 12919 | Written declaration Moldovan authorities’ actions against mass media and freedom of expression in the Republic of Moldova must be stopped immediately
  • 26/04/2012 | Doc. 12921 | Motion for a resolution Promoting the human rights of prisoners in Council of Europe member States
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 09/04/2014 | Resolution 1988 | Recent developments in Ukraine: threats to the functioning of democratic institutions
  • 30/01/2014 | Resolution 1974 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 30/01/2014 | Recommendation 2035 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 29/01/2014 | Resolution 1973 | Integration tests: helping or hindering integration?
  • 29/01/2014 | Recommendation 2034 | Integration tests: helping or hindering integration?
  • 29/01/2014 | Resolution 1972 | Ensuring that migrants are a benefit for European host societies
  • 29/01/2014 | Resolution 1971 | Syrian refugees: how to organise and support international assistance?
  • 29/01/2014 | Resolution 1970 | Internet and politics: the impact of new information and communication technology on democracy
  • 29/01/2014 | Recommendation 2033 | Internet and politics: the impact of new information and communication technology on democracy
  • 02/10/2013 | Resolution 1954 | National security and access to information
  • 02/10/2013 | Recommendation 2025 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 01/10/2013 | Resolution 1952 | Children’s right to physical integrity
  • 01/10/2013 | Recommendation 2023 | Children’s right to physical integrity
  • 01/10/2013 | Resolution 1953 | The progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure (June 2012 – September 2013)
  • 28/06/2013 | Resolution 1950 | Keeping political and criminal responsibility separate
  • 28/06/2013 | Opinion 285 | Draft Protocol No. 16 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
  • 27/06/2013 | Recommendation 2021 | Tackling discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity
  • 27/06/2013 | Resolution 1947 | Popular protest and challenges to freedom of assembly, media and speech
  • 25/06/2013 | Resolution 1941 | Request for the opening of a monitoring procedure in respect of Hungary
  • 24/01/2013 | Resolution 1920 | The state of media freedom in Europe
  • 24/01/2013 | Resolution 1919 | Recent developments in Mali and Algeria and the threat to security and human rights in the Mediterranean region
  • 23/01/2013 | Resolution 1916 | Georgia and Russia: the humanitarian situation in the conflict- and war-affected areas
  • 23/01/2013 | Resolution 1917 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by Azerbaijan
  • 05/10/2012 | Resolution 1907 | Governance of higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area
  • 05/10/2012 | Resolution 1906 | The consolidation and international openness of the European Higher Education Area
  • 05/10/2012 | Recommendation 2005 | The consolidation and international openness of the European Higher Education Area
  • 05/10/2012 | Resolution 1905 | Restoring social justice through a tax on financial transactions
  • 04/10/2012 | Resolution 1904 | The right to freedom of choice in education in Europe
  • 04/10/2012 | Resolution 1902 | The European response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria
  • 03/10/2012 | Resolution 1900 | The definition of political prisoner
  • 02/10/2012 | Resolution 1896 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by the Russian Federation
  • 29/06/2012 | Resolution 1894 | The inadmissibility of restrictions on freedom of movement as punishment for political positions
  • 26/04/2012 | Resolution 1879 | The situation of IDPs and returnees in the North Caucasus region
  • 26/04/2012 | Resolution 1878 | The situation in Syria
  • 25/04/2012 | Recommendation 1998 | The protection of freedom of expression and information on the Internet and online media
  • 24/04/2012 | Resolution 1872 | Lives lost in the Mediterranean Sea: Who is responsible?