All texts and votes



House of Parliament
Palaia Anactora
GR - 10021
BE Greece

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 10/10/2013 | Doc. 13332 | Motion for a resolution The rise of neo-nazi parties in Europe: the need to develop legal principles to defend pluralist democracy and human rights
  • 05/07/2013 | Doc. 13279 | Motion for a resolution Gold mining projects – a danger to human rights, the rule of law and ecological integrity
  • 04/07/2013 | Doc. 13275 | Motion for a resolution Persecution of Christians and the diminishing of Christian communities in the Muslim world, particularly in Syria
  • 03/07/2013 | Doc. 13273 | Motion for a resolution How to prevent inappropriate restrictions on NGO activities in Europe?
  • 27/06/2013 | Doc. 13264 | Written declaration Arbitrary imprisonment of homeless people in Hungary
  • 26/06/2013 | Doc. 13253 | Motion for a resolution Students and sport activities
  • 26/06/2013 | Doc. 13254 | Motion for a resolution Young people preference for videogames and sports
  • 30/04/2013 | Doc. 13202 | Motion for a resolution Equality and the crisis
  • 26/04/2013 | Doc. 13199 | Motion for a resolution Development challenges in Europe’s islands: what follow-up on Resolution 1441 (2005)?
  • 25/04/2013 | Doc. 13197 | Motion for a resolution Chinese migration to Europe: challenges and opportunities
  • 30/01/2013 | Doc. 13119 | Motion for a resolution Youth unemployment as a threat to democracy and human rights in Europe