All texts and votes



Natieplein 1
BE - 1009
BE Belgium

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 25/04/2014 | Doc. 13408 | Written declaration Despite widespread international condemnation, stigmatisation of LGBT people by the Russian authorities continues
  • 29/01/2014 | Doc. 13408 | Written declaration Despite widespread international condemnation, stigmatisation of LGBT people by the Russian authorities continues
  • 21/10/2013 | Doc. 13342 | Motion for a resolution Libraries and museums in an era of participatory culture
  • 21/10/2013 | Doc. 13343 | Motion for a recommendation Cultural democracy
  • 01/10/2013 | Doc. 13319 | Motion for a resolution Increasing co-operation against cyberterrorism and other large-scale attacks on the Internet
  • 06/08/2013 | Doc. 13288 | Motion for a resolution Massive eavesdropping in Europe
  • 03/07/2013 | Doc. 13274 | Motion for a resolution Use of physical force against journalists: a challenge to democracy
  • 29/04/2013 | Doc. 13201 | Motion for a resolution Prosecution of the Labour Party (Darbo partija) in Lithuania
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 29/01/2014 | Resolution 1971 | Syrian refugees: how to organise and support international assistance?
  • 29/01/2014 | Resolution 1970 | Internet and politics: the impact of new information and communication technology on democracy
  • 29/01/2014 | Recommendation 2033 | Internet and politics: the impact of new information and communication technology on democracy
  • 02/10/2013 | Resolution 1954 | National security and access to information
  • 02/10/2013 | Recommendation 2024 | National security and access to information
  • 02/10/2013 | Recommendation 2025 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 26/06/2013 | Resolution 1945 | Putting an end to coerced sterilisations and castrations
  • 26/06/2013 | Resolution 1946 | Equal access to health care
  • 26/06/2013 | Recommendation 2020 | Equal access to health care
  • 26/06/2013 | Resolution 1943 | Corruption as a threat to the rule of law
  • 26/06/2013 | Recommendation 2019 | Corruption as a threat to the rule of law
  • 25/06/2013 | Resolution 1941 | Request for the opening of a monitoring procedure in respect of Hungary
  • 24/04/2013 | Resolution 1929 | Culture and education through national parliaments: European policies
  • 24/04/2013 | Resolution 1928 | Safeguarding human rights in relation to religion and belief, and protecting religious communities from violence
  • 23/04/2013 | Recommendation 2013 | Parliaments united in combating sexual violence against children: mid-term review of the ONE in FIVE Campaign
  • 23/04/2013 | Resolution 1926 | Fighting “child sex tourism”
  • 23/04/2013 | Resolution 1925 | Post-monitoring dialogue with Turkey