All texts and votes



Senato della Repubblica
Palazzo Madama
IT - 00186
BE Italy

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 17/10/2022 | Doc. 15637 | Written declaration Call for a de-escalation of tensions between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan
  • 27/06/2022 | Doc. 15574 | Written declaration Europe must not compromise with regard to the rule of law in Poland
  • 27/06/2022 | Doc. 15575 | Written declaration Kazakhstan: civil society organisations are calling for personal sanctions for lack of international and impartial investigations of violent crackdown on peaceful protesters
  • 27/06/2022 | Doc. 15581 | Written declaration Mikhail Saakashvili needs medical help
  • 24/06/2022 | Doc. 15573 | Motion for a resolution Enhancing the right to access to justice for vulnerable groups
  • 24/06/2022 | Doc. 15572 | Motion for a resolution Oppressions through antiterror legislation in Türkiye should stop
  • 21/06/2022 | Doc. 15556 | Motion for a resolution Ensuring parliamentary involvement and a rights-based approach in the WHO negotiations of a Pandemic Treaty
  • 20/05/2022 | Doc. 15452 | Written declaration Kazakhstan's human rights violations and "shooting without warning" must be internationally investigated
  • 20/05/2022 | Doc. 15455 | Written declaration Statements made in January 2022 by the Russian Federation threatening to undermine international peace, the present European security order and the national independence of other countries
  • 20/05/2022 | Doc. 15458 | Written declaration Poland: the lack of respect for the rule of law and the crackdown on critical voices must stop
  • 20/05/2022 | Doc. 15480 | Written declaration In support with pro-peace opposition in the Russian Federation
  • 17/03/2022 | Doc. 15480 | Written declaration In support with pro-peace opposition in the Russian Federation
  • 16/02/2022 | Doc. 15455 | Written declaration Statements made in January 2022 by the Russian Federation threatening to undermine international peace, the present European security order and the national independence of other countries
  • 16/02/2022 | Doc. 15458 | Written declaration Poland: the lack of respect for the rule of law and the crackdown on critical voices must stop
  • 09/02/2022 | Doc. 15385 | Written declaration Harassment against Catalan pro-independence political leaders and independence supporters must end
  • 08/02/2022 | Doc. 15452 | Written declaration Kazakhstan's human rights violations and "shooting without warning" must be internationally investigated
  • 31/01/2022 | Doc. 15448 | Motion for a recommendation Strengthening relations between the Council of Europe and Latin America
  • 04/10/2021 | Doc. 15391 | Motion for a resolution Systematic prosecution of democratic and human rights in Turkey
  • 01/10/2021 | Doc. 15388 | Written declaration The Georgian authorities must take action to protect LGBTI people from violence and discrimination
  • 30/09/2021 | Doc. 15385 | Written declaration Harassment against Catalan pro-independence political leaders and independence supporters must end
  • 21/09/2021 | Doc. 15374 | Motion for a resolution Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 04/02/2020 | Doc. 15071 | Motion for a resolution Prevention of abuse of mutual legal co-operation with respect to refugees and asylum seekers
  • 03/02/2020 | Doc. 15068 | Motion for a resolution Artificial intelligence and climate change
  • 31/01/2020 | Doc. 15061 | Written declaration Defend the rights of Julian Assange and the freedom of the press
  • 31/01/2020 | Doc. 15062 | Written declaration Persecution of civil society in Kazakhstan: personal sanctions must be imposed and trade co-operation reviewed
  • 31/01/2020 | Doc. 15064 | Written declaration Baku pogroms
  • 31/01/2020 | Doc. 15060 | Written declaration Protecting the right to political representation in Catalonia
  • 04/10/2019 | Doc. 14983 | Written declaration The international community must respond to mass arrests and political prosecution in Kazakhstan
  • 04/10/2019 | Doc. 14984 | Written declaration The Russian Federation must release all Ukrainian political prisoners
  • 04/10/2019 | Doc. 14988 | Motion for a resolution Parliamentary Assembly contribution to the establishment of an observatory of history to promote the common values of Greater Europe and peace
  • 03/07/2019 | Doc. 14877 | Written declaration Right to know and access to information in Italy
  • 11/04/2019 | Doc. 14877 | Written declaration Right to know and access to information in Italy
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 12/10/2022 | Recommendation 2238 | Safe third countries for asylum seekers
  • 12/10/2022 | Resolution 2461 | Safe third countries for asylum seekers
  • 12/10/2022 | Resolution 2462 | Pushbacks on land and sea: illegal measures of migration management
  • 12/10/2022 | Resolution 2459 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by Türkiye
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2458 | Misuse of the Schengen Information System by Council of Europe member States as a politically motivated sanction
  • 11/10/2022 | Recommendation 2237 | Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2456 | Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2457 | Raising awareness of and countering Islamophobia, or anti-Muslim racism, in Europe
  • 23/06/2022 | Resolution 2453 | Review of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • 23/06/2022 | Resolution 2454 | The control of online communication: a threat to media pluralism, freedom of information and human dignity
  • 23/06/2022 | Resolution 2452 | Ensuring accountability for the downing of flight MH17
  • 23/06/2022 | Resolution 2451 | The honouring of membership obligations to the Council of Europe by Malta
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2450 | Justice and security for women in peace reconciliation
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2447 | Preventing and combating antisemitism in Europe
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2448 | Humanitarian consequences and internal and external displacement in connection with the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2449 | Protection and alternative care for unaccompanied and separated migrant and refugee children
  • 21/06/2022 | Resolution 2445 | The continuing need to restore human rights and the rule of law in the North Caucasus region
  • 21/06/2022 | Recommendation 2236 | Reported cases of political prisoners in the Russian Federation
  • 21/06/2022 | Resolution 2446 | Reported cases of political prisoners in the Russian Federation
  • 20/06/2022 | Resolution 2443 | The role of political parties in fostering diversity and inclusion: a new charter for a non-racist society
  • 29/09/2021 | Resolution 2401 | Climate and migration
  • 29/09/2021 | Resolution 2400 | Combating inequalities in the right to a safe, healthy and clean environment
  • 29/09/2021 | Recommendation 2215 | Research policies and environment protection
  • 29/09/2021 | Resolution 2402 | Research policies and environment protection
  • 28/09/2021 | Resolution 2395 | Strengthening the fight against so-called “honour” crimes
  • 28/09/2021 | Recommendation 2210 | Socio-economic inequalities in Europe: time to restore social trust by strengthening social rights
  • 28/09/2021 | Resolution 2394 | Gender representation in the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 27/09/2021 | Resolution 2391 | Humanitarian consequences of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan / Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
  • 23/06/2021 | Resolution 2386 | Enhancing participation of women from under-represented groups in political and public decision making
  • 23/06/2021 | Resolution 2387 | Human rights violations committed against Crimean Tatars in Crimea
  • 22/06/2021 | Recommendation 2205 | Overcoming the socio-economic crisis sparked by the Covid-19 pandemic
  • 22/06/2021 | Resolution 2384 | Overcoming the socio-economic crisis sparked by the Covid-19 pandemic
  • 21/04/2021 | Recommendation 2200 | Urgent need for electoral reform in Belarus
  • 21/04/2021 | Resolution 2371 | Urgent need for electoral reform in Belarus
  • 21/04/2021 | Recommendation 2201 | Human rights violations in Belarus require an international investigation
  • 21/04/2021 | Resolution 2372 | Human rights violations in Belarus require an international investigation
  • 20/04/2021 | Resolution 2370 | Fighting fiscal injustice: the work of the OECD on taxation of digital economy
  • 20/04/2021 | Recommendation 2199 | The Assembly's vision on the strategic priorities for the Council of Europe
  • 20/04/2021 | Resolution 2369 | The Assembly's vision on the strategic priorities for the Council of Europe
  • 31/01/2020 | Resolution 2326 | Democracy hacked? How to respond?
  • 30/01/2020 | Recommendation 2170 | Reported cases of political prisoners in Azerbaijan
  • 30/01/2020 | Resolution 2322 | Reported cases of political prisoners in Azerbaijan
  • 30/01/2020 | Recommendation 2171 | Concerted action against human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants
  • 30/01/2020 | Resolution 2323 | Concerted action against human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants
  • 30/01/2020 | Recommendation 2172 | Missing refugee and migrant children in Europe
  • 30/01/2020 | Resolution 2324 | Missing refugee and migrant children in Europe
  • 30/01/2020 | Resolution 2325 | The progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure (January-December 2019)
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2318 | The protection of freedom of religion or belief in the workplace
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2319 | Complementary joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly in response to a serious violation by a member State of its statutory obligations
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2320 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 28/01/2020 | Recommendation 2168 | Threats to media freedom and journalists’ security in Europe
  • 28/01/2020 | Resolution 2317 | Threats to media freedom and journalists’ security in Europe
  • 28/01/2020 | Resolution 2316 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Poland
  • 02/10/2019 | Recommendation 2163 | Ombudsman institutions in Europe – The need for a set of common standards
  • 02/10/2019 | Resolution 2301 | Ombudsman institutions in Europe – The need for a set of common standards
  • 02/10/2019 | Recommendation 2164 | Protecting and supporting the victims of terrorism
  • 02/10/2019 | Resolution 2303 | Protecting and supporting the victims of terrorism
  • 02/10/2019 | Resolution 2302 | The Council of Europe Development Bank: contributing to building a more inclusive society
  • 02/10/2019 | Resolution 2304 | Post-monitoring dialogue with North Macedonia
  • 01/10/2019 | Recommendation 2162 | Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe
  • 01/10/2019 | Resolution 2300 | Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe
  • 11/04/2019 | Recommendation 2155 | The situation of migrants and refugees on the Greek islands: more needs to be done
  • 11/04/2019 | Resolution 2280 | The situation of migrants and refugees on the Greek islands: more needs to be done
  • 11/04/2019 | Recommendation 2154 | Laundromats: responding to new challenges in the international fight against organised crime, corruption and money laundering
  • 11/04/2019 | Resolution 2279 | Laundromats: responding to new challenges in the international fight against organised crime, corruption and money laundering
  • 11/04/2019 | Resolution 2278 | Modification of various provisions of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure
  • 10/04/2019 | Resolution 2276 | Stop hate speech and acts of hatred in sport
  • 10/04/2019 | Resolution 2275 | The role and responsibilities of political leaders in combating hate speech and intolerance
  • 10/04/2019 | Recommendation 2153 | Role and mission of the Parliamentary Assembly: main challenges for the future
  • 10/04/2019 | Resolution 2277 | Role and mission of the Parliamentary Assembly: main challenges for the future
  • 09/04/2019 | Recommendation 2152 | Promoting parliaments free of sexism and sexual harassment
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2274 | Promoting parliaments free of sexism and sexual harassment
  • 09/04/2019 | Recommendation 2150 | Strengthening co-operation with the United Nations in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2271 | Strengthening co-operation with the United Nations in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • 09/04/2019 | Recommendation 2151 | Establishment of a European Union mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2273 | Establishment of a European Union mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2272 | Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: synergy needed on the part of all stakeholders, from parliaments to local authorities