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Motion for a resolution | Doc. 762 | 12 December 1957

Reply to the Seventh Report submitted to the Consultative Assembly by the International Labour Organisation on its activities

Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee

Signatories: Mr Henri C. J . HEYMAN, Belgium



The Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe has noted with great interest the Seventh Report on the activities of the International Labour Organisation, and has given it careful study.

It has given particular attention to the following points :

1. Enquiries and research by I. L. 0 . :

a. into the cost of social security ;
b. into the cost of medical care ;
c. into the treatment of nationals and non-nationals and t he payment of social securi ty benefits abroad under the national legislation of States Members of I. L. 0 .

The Assembly would like to be informed as soon as possible of the results of these enquiries, which it believes to be of t h e greatest interest for the European countries, particularly in view of t he problems which will shortly arise from the creation of new institutions such as the European Economic Community and the Free Trade Area.

The Assembly believes that I. L. 0. should, in particular, undertake thorough study of the form these problems will assume in the European countries affected by the creation of these new organisations.

2. The Assembly welcomes the fact that the Governing Body of I. L. 0. has placed on the Agenda of the 42nd Session of the International Labour Conference the question of organising occupational health services in places of employment, with a view to preparing an international instrument on the subject.

The Assembly thinks that this instrument might be used to advantage by those Member States of the Council of Europe which, in ratifying the European Social Charter, recognise the right of workers to health protection and agree to enforce the measures laid down for ensuring such protection.

3. The Assembly congratulates I. L. 0. on its work in the field of vocational training. The importance of this question was, moreover, again emphasised by the Special Representative of the Council of Europe for National Refugees and Over-population in his second Progress Report.

The Assembly considers, in this connection, that I. L. 0. should devote most of its energies to securing vocational training for " unskilled " labour.