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Motion for a recommendation | Doc. 778 | 15 January 1958

Equivalence of Diplomas in Agricultural Studies in Europe

Signatories: Mr René CHARPENTIER, France

The Assembly,

Conscious of the grave shortage in Europe of qualified scientists and technicians, particularly in the field of agriculture;

Believing that adequate professional training of agriculturalists and other agricultural producers is the basis of an efficient production of foodstuffs;

Convinced of the necessity to encourage exchanges of agricultural technicians between member countries of the Council of Europe in order to develop the common stock of knowledge in agricultural matters and thereby to improve agricultural training;

Considering the conventions on the equivalence of diplomas leading to admission to universities and of periods of university study signed by the member countries of the Council of Europe,

Recommends to the Committee of Ministers :

1. that it should conclude a new convention dealing with the equivalence of diplomas awarded on completion of university studies and of diplomas awarded by institutes of agricultural studies, particularly for purposes of economic and scientific research;
2. that it should invite the appropriate Committee of Experts to study proposals whereby holders of agricultural diplomas awarded in one Member State could exercise their profession in the other Member States of the Council of Europe.