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Motion for an Order | Doc. 828 | 02 May 1958

New measures to be adopted, with a view to achieving the declared aim of the Council of Europe as defined in Article 1 of the Statute, for the safeguarding and further realisation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Co-rapporteur : Mr Kasim GÜLEK, Turkey

Co-rapporteur : Mr Bülent ECEVIT, Turkey

The Assembly,

Considering that the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, although it introduced appreciable and in some cases revolutionary advances in international law, was intended by its promoters, as is shown by the text of its Preamble, to represent only " the first steps for the collective enforcement of certain of the Rights stated in the Universal Declaration

Considering that the Convention thus marked a first 'stage and presupposed further stages;

Considering that the second stage, reached on 20th March 1952, with the signature of the Protocol to the said Convention, did not exhaust the possibilities of increasing and strengthening the protection which every person under the jurisdiction of Member States should enjoy in the matter of his civil and political rights;

Considering that these possibilities should now be explored;

Considering that such an investigation would involve no duplication with the efforts now being made by the Council of Europe for the recognition and protection of economic, social and culturel rights and, in particular, for the conclusion of a European Social Charter,

Instructs the Secretary-General:

a. to study what new measures could be adopted in the field of civil and political rights;
b. to submit the results of this study to the Legal Committee, which will report to the Assembly.