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Motion for a resolution | Doc. 65 | 17 August 1950

Organisation of a European Centre of Culture

Signatories: Mr Léopold Sédar SENGHOR, France

Considering :

the definition of a militant culture adopted by the European Consultative Assembly at its first Session,

the Recommendation by that Assembly for the establishment of a European Centre of Culture,

Considering :

that UNESCO after having taken cognisance of the latter Recommendation, expressed the opinion that this question was not within its competence,

that, despite this opinion, the Committee of Ministers has given no practical effect to the wishes of the Assembly,

The European Consultative Assembly re-affirms to the Committee of Ministers its Recommendation relating to the establishment of a European Centre of Culture.

This Centre will comprise :

1. A Bureau, the task of which will be, first, to ensure liaison between the Council of Europe and UNESCO; and secondly, to study :
a. the common elements of European Culture (ideals and methods);
b. the best means of inculcating these in school-children and even in adults;
c. the possibility of imparting this culture to peoples overseas, so that it may leaven their own civilizations;
2. A European University, which will be placed under the supervision of the Council of Europe, and will be a training centre for the staff of the future United Europe,