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Committee Opinion | Doc. 12261 | 11 May 2010

Prohibiting the marketing service and use of the “Mosquito” youth dispersal device

(Former) Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee

Rapporteur : Mr Luca VOLONTÈ, Italy, EPP/CD

Origin - See Doc. 12186 tabled by the Committee on Culture, Science and Education. 2010 - May Standing Committee

A. Conclusions of the committee


The Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee fully supports the draft recommendation presented by the Committee on Culture, Science and Education, and commends the rapporteur, Mr Wach, for his excellent report.

The committee points out that no group in society should be excluded from using public spaces. Public authorities should promote the development of indoor and outdoors facilities and tailor programmes to meet the needs of the young. The committee calls upon a dialogue between local authorities and young people on this issue. Young people themselves should help in the design of community-led solutions to anti-social behaviour. The committee proposes one amendment to include this aspect in the text to be adopted.

B. Proposed amendment to the draft recommendation


Amendment A (to the draft resolution)

After paragraph 15.2, insert the following paragraph:

“promote, in consultation with youth forums at local level, the development of indoor and outdoor facilities for more physical, intellectual and leisure recreation, including green areas, gymnasia, pools, playing fields, libraries and multimedia libraries”.