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Written question No. 606 to the Committee of Ministers | Doc. 12769 | 11 October 2011

The Council of Europe’s contribution to the Bologna Process

Question from Mr Gvozden Srećko FLEGO, Croatia, SOC

The ongoing reform of intergovernmental structures is aimed at increasing the impact of the Council of Europe in areas where it has unique expertise and brings added value.

The Steering Committee on Higher Education of the Council of Europe (CDESR), thanks to its unique composition of governmental experts and representatives of universities, is contributing substantially to the Bologna Process for the benefit of all member states.

The recent reform of the intergovernmental committees has brought a discontinuation of the CDESR. Instead, it is proposed to set up a new committee which neither focuses on higher education nor comprises governmental and university representatives.

The Bologna Process and the creation of the European Higher Education Area is a matter of high political and social importance for all European states.

Mr Flego,

To ask the Committee of Ministers,

Is it the intention of the Committee of Ministers to set up, for 2012-2013, an ad hoc committee composed of governmental experts and representatives of universities, in order to ensure the necessary pan-European dialogue between these two major stakeholders in steering the Bologna Process?