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Recommendation 3 (1951)

Establishment of a European Manpower Board and the Social Security of Migrant Workers

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - This Recommendation was adopted by the Assembly at its Fifteenth Sitting, 14th May 1951. (See Doc. 36, Report of the Committee on Social Questions.)

The Assembly

a. Declares that is is necessary to create a European Manpower Board with the task of co-ordinating, in the general interest, the manpower policy of the various countries concerned, and of developing relations with the overseas countries prepared to accept immigrants ; the creation of this Board to be effected in close collaboration with the O. E. E. C. and the I. L. O.,
b. Maintains that the first social right of the migrant worker is that he should be accompanied, or joined at the earliest possible moment, by his family ; and that in any event the migrant worker's family should receive all the benefits to which it is normally entitled, the place of residence not being allowed to act as a restrictive factor,
c. Recommends that particular account should be taken of this requirement in preparing draft Multilateral Agreements on Social Security, and that the attention of the Governments concerned should be drawn thereto.