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Recommendation 8 (1951)

Establishment of a European Authority for Agriculture

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

The Assembly,

Having taken note of the Report submitted by the Special Committee on Agriculture and approving the principle contained therein,

Approving the initiative taken by the French Government in convening a Conference for the purpose of considering the creation of some form of joint organisation of the principal European agricultural markets,

Recommends to the Committee of Ministers :

a. that a conference of experts be convened as early as possible, within the framework of the Council of Europe, for the purpose of preparing a draft Treaty instituting a European Agricultural Authority on the basis of the principles contained in the aforementioned Report,
b. that member countries of O. E. E. C. which are not Members of the Council of Europe shall be invited to take part in the Conference,
c. that representatives of the producers be associated with the governmental experts,
d. that, in connection with the work of the conference, close liaison shall be maintained with the various competent international organisations and that the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe shall be kept regularly informed of the progress achieved.