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Recommendation 170 (1958)

Evacuation of European refugees from the Far East

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - (a)Subject introduced on 6th October 1958 by the tabling of the Seventh Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,Doc. 857.<br> (b) 14th October 1958, tabling of a draft recommendation by the Committee on Population and Refugees,Doc. 894,on the evacuation of European refugees from the Far East. <br>(c) 15th October 1958, debate in the Assembly (see 18th Sitting of the 10th Session). The Recommendation was adopted unanimously.

The Assembly,

Having been informed of the difficulties encountered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Inter-Governmental Committee for European Migration in carrying out the programme for evacuating refugees of European origin from the Far East;

Considering that the European institutions which had offered to take charge of the refugees classed as "difficult cases" cannot maintain their offer beyond a certain time-limit;

Recalling the interest shown in this category of refugees by the Committee of Ministers in its Resolution (54) 5 and by the Assembly in its Resolution 82 (1955) and Recommendation 149 (1957),

Recommends that the Committee of Ministers invite Member Governments to make available to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, for at least one journey before 1st March 1959, large transport planes, equipped with pressurised cabins for the transport of patients, so that refugees of European origin at present housed in transit camps in Hong Kong may be evacuated, or, if that is not possible, to participate in the raising of the necessary funds.