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Recommendation 1001 (1985)

European Music Year

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 28 January 1985 (22nd Sitting) (see Doc. 5327, report of the Committee on Culture and Education). Text adopted by the Assembly on 28 January 1985 (22nd Sitting).

The Assembly,

1. Welcoming the organisation in 1985 of European Music Year, as a joint activity involving the Council of Europe, the European Communities and the twenty-three national committees set up in all states party to the European Cultural Convention ;
2. Welcoming also the participation by certain further non-member countries and hoping in this way to encourage the broadening of European cultural co-operation under the convention, but also concerned not to exclude East-European countries from association with European Music Year ;
3. Wishing to express recognition of the contribution made to the European cultural heritage by Bach, Handel and Scarlatti (whose tercentenaries fall in 1985), as also by the many composers, performers, directors and other musicians, past and present, who make up the European musical tradition ;
4. Believing that music, in all its many forms, is part of the whole artistic heritage of Europe, but is also a way of bridging linguistic and political barriers and an important element in the fundamental cultural values of the individual ;
5. Noting the problems that surround music, in particular the commercialisation of music and the increasingly serious difficulties relating to copyright, and hoping that European Music Year will provide an opportunity for further European cooperation on these problems ;
6. Supporting the principal objectives adopted for this Year, namely :
a. to promote music in general, of all types and periods ;
b. to broaden public access and active participation in musical life, in particular by young people and minorities ;
c. to offer better opportunities and social conditions for young composers and performers ;
d. to reinforce music education and training ;
e. to safeguard, enhance and enrich the common musical heritage ;
7. Drawing attention to the many exchanges and travelling concerts prepared for European Music Year, and hoping that the Year will contribute towards a greater appreciation of European unity and the importance of European cultural cooperation ;
8. Welcoming the shown also by the independent media, by local authorities, and by private and public sponsors, including foundations ;
9. Reaffirming the importance of general music education, as expressed in its Recommendation 929 (1981), on music education for all, and recalling in particular paragraph 16.c which called on the Committee of Ministers to report to the Assembly in the course of European Music Year 1985 on the progress made towards the implementation of this recommendation ;
10. Aware of the need to evaluate after 1985 the impact of European Music Year, but already concerned to maintain the interest in music that European Music Year should have provoked in the general public,
11. Recommends that the Committee of Ministers :
a. adopt the principal objectives of European Music Year as guidelines for continuing action both in member states and by the Council of Europe and the European Communities ; and
b. provide for the preparation of further recommendations, in the light of European Music Year, for action by the governments of member states.