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Recommendation 1104 (1989)


Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - See Doc. 6020, report of the Committee on Culture and Education, Rapporteur : Mrs Hennicot-Schoepges. Text adopted by the Standing Committee, acting on behalf of the Assembly, on 15 March 1989.

The Assembly,

1. Having considered the complementary reports presented by its Committee on Culture and Education on the situation of professional and non-professional dance in Europe (Docs. 5416 and 6020) ;
2. Recognising dance as a basic constituent of human cultural activity in all societies and at all levels, from the individual to the collective ;

Heritage aspects

3. Aware of the wealth of dance traditions that have developed in Europe, both indigenously and as a result of outside influence ;
4. Concerned at the vulnerability of these traditions (and especially of spontaneous folk culture) as a result of changing social patterns, exposure to public performance or tourism, or the standardising influence of the mass media ;
5. Conscious of the fact that many dance traditions are too closely linked to their social environment to be maintained except artificially, yet wishing to record them before their disappearance,
6. Recommends that the Committee of Ministers invite the governments of member states to :
a. collect and record, in collaboration with national film and television archives, the more significant dance traditions in Europe, especially at the local and regional levels ;
b. foster research in dance in Europe and provide appropriate means (and especially trained cameramen and video equipment) ;

Socio-cultural aspects

7. Noting the social characteristics of dance as a positive factor in encouraging cohesion, permitting interaction and reducing tensions ;
8. Aware also of dance as an art form and of the need to encourage public appreciation of this art,
9. Recommends that the Committee of Ministers invite the governments of member states to :
a. conduct a survey of measures for encouraging public participation in, and appreciation of, dance ;
b. encourage the inclusion of dance and music in the core curriculum of primary and secondary schools and make provision for the training of appropriate teachers ;

Recreational and medical aspects

10. Considering the possible adverse effects upon the hearing of young dancers when they are subjected to the excessive amplification of music or noise ;
11. Noting the recreational and therapeutic value of dance and its relation to the proper integration of the individual and his physical well-being ;
12. Recalling Resolution 848 (1985) on privacy of sound and individual freedom of musical choice and Recommendation 1011 (1985) on the situation of professional dance in Europe, and referring also to Recommendations 929 (1981) on music education for all and 1001 (1985) on European Music Year,
13. Recommends that the Committee of Ministers invite the governments of member states to :
a. initiate European co-operation in the recreational and medical aspects of music and dance ;
b. encourage research and professional training, with special regard to
children with learning and emotional disabilities,
retarded children and adolescents,
the handicapped and disabled,
the elderly ;
c. provide facilities at local and regional levels for these categories of persons ;

Professional dance

14. Pointing out that the broad range of questions related to dance should not detract attention from the specific problems of professional dance in Europe ;
15. Dissatisfied with the interim reply of the Committee of Ministers to its Recommendation 1011 (seeDoc. 5517 of January 1986),
16. Recommends that the Committee of Ministers reconsider whether it can usefully initiate action in this field.