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Resolution 333 (1967)

Reply to the 8th Report on the Activities of the European Nuclear Energy Agency

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly Debate on 25th January 1967 (21st Sitting) (see Doc. 2156, report of the Economic Committee). Text adopted by the Assembly on 25th January 1967 (21st Sitting).

The Assembly,

1. Thanks the Council of OECD for the transmission of the 8th report on the activities of the European Nuclear Energy Agency;
2. Notes with satisfaction the valuable results which have been achieved by the Dragon and Halden Joint Nuclear Reactor Projects, welcomes the decision to extend the Halden Project for a further three years, and expresses its belief that the extension of the Dragon Project for a further period, which is now under discussion, would be of great importance for Europe in contributing to a full assessment of the highly promising economic potentialities of high temperature nuclear reactors;
3. Taking account of the fact that it now appears that the Eurochemic Fuel Reprocessing Plant will require subvention for a further period of years, looks forward to the time when the fuel reprocessing demand in Europe will fully employ Euro-chemic's capacity, thereby reducing such subvention;
4. Having observed with some concern the statement in paragraph 117 of the 8th report that "following the virtual cessation of atmosphere weapons tests it was decided to review the system, established by ENEA in 1959, for the exchange between member countries of information on airborne radioactivity", notes that the premise (in italics above), given as the justification for this review, no longer obtains in that there have been a number of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests during the present year and further texts of this kind may be expected, but appreciates that-at a time when atmospheric nuclear explosions are occurring only in China and the Southern hemisphere - different techniques may be more apposite,
5. Looks forward to the early entry into force of the OECD Convention of 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Nuclear Field as a result of the completion of the necessary ratifications;
6. Greatly appreciates the steps already taken by ENEA in response to the Assembly's requests in Resolutions 282 of 1964 and 308 of 1966 to expand that part of its annual report dealing with the competitiveness of nuclear power for the generation of electricity, in particular by presenting a considered overall annual review of the state of progress in this field, but believes still further progress in this sense is called for.