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Resolution 834 (1985)

European Music Year

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 28 January 1985 (22nd Sitting) (see Doc. 5327, report of the Committee on Culture and Education). Text adopted by the Assembly on 28 January 198S (22nd Sitting).

The Assembly,

1. Referring to the report of its Committee on Culture and Education (Doc. 5327) and to Recommendation 1001 on European Music Year ;
2. Having expressed its support for the principal objectives of this Year, namely :
a. to promote music in general, of all types and periods ;
b. to broaden public access and active participation in musical life, in particular by young people and minorities ;
c. to offer better opportunities and social conditions for young composers and performers ;
d. to reinforce music education and training ;
e. to safeguard, enhance and enrich the common musical heritage,
3. Calls the attention of national parliaments to European Music Year.