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Resolution 853 (1985)

Situation in South Africa

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 2 October 1985 (18th and 19th Sittings) (see Doc. 5482, report of the Political Affairs Committee). Text adopted by the Assembly on 2 October 1985 (19th Sitting).

The Assembly,

1. Profoundly concerned by the deterioration of the situation in South Africa, where the attitude of the Government holds out no other prospect but repression ;
2. Pointing out that it has repeatedly joined with the entire international community in condemning the policy of apartheid as contrary to the principles of democracy and human rights ;
3. Strongly supporting the restrictive measures adopted by the ministers of the Ten, Spain and Portugal on 10 September 1985 and the declaration adopted by the Committee of twenty-one ministers of the Council of Europe on 27 September 1985,
4. Endorses the appeal of the twenty-one Ministers for Foreign Affairs to the South African Government to modify its policy with a view to abolishing apartheid by initiating a real dialogue with the representatives of all sections of the population, ending the state of emergency and unconditionally releasing political prisoners ;
5. Expresses its support for all those who are struggling in South Africa to realise the ideals of freedom, democracy and respect for human rights which are the heritage of the Council of Europe ;
6. Welcomes the initiatives undertaken by the parliaments and governments of several non-European democracies as a useful contribution towards promoting a solution in South Africa which is in conformity with the principles of freedom and human rights.