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Resolution 1013 (1993)

Peace process in the Middle East

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 29 September 1993 (49th Sitting) (see Doc. 6916, report of the Political Affairs Committee, Rapporteur: Mrs Baarveld-Schlaman). Text adopted by the Assembly on 29 September 1993 (49th Sitting).

1. The fact that the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) enjoys observer status with the Assembly implies that matters relating to that country are of direct interest to it.
2. The Assembly, referring to its Recommendation 1221 (1993) on the peace process in the Middle East, reiterates its readiness to contribute to building a climate of confidence between the parties engaged in this process, especially in fields where its expertise and experience are recognised, namely promotion and establishment of democratic institutions, protection of human rights and recognition of the rights of minorities.
3. It repeats its position in favour of a conference on security and co-operation in the Mediterranean (CSCM) which could contribute to improving relations between Mediterranean states.
4. The Assembly expects that the agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) on a declaration of principles on Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip will put an end to the violations by the Israeli authorities, in these territories, of the fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 relating to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. It also expects the PLO to do its utmost to prevent terrorist attacks against Israel.
5. It condemns religious and political extremism which constitute a threat to the region's stability and a danger to the current peace process.
6. The Assembly is prepared to help all those committed to peace in the Middle East and to give them the opportunity to state their respective positions.
7. It considers that the PLO is the representative of the Palestinian people and wishes to associate it with its work relating to the Middle East.
8. Accordingly, the Assembly:
8.1. decides to invite:
  • Israeli and Arab personalities involved in the peace process to come to Strasbourg to address the Assembly;
  • representatives and/or parliamentarians from all parties to the peace process to attend meetings it organises (conferences, colloquies and seminars) on matters of interest to the Middle East countries;
8.2. declares its readiness, once free and democratic elections are held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in the framework of the agreement between Israel and the PLO:
  • to help with the organisation of these elections;
  • to send a delegation of observers to monitor these elections;
  • to see how it would be possible to invite elected representatives from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and staff members of the administration serving the elected bodies to come to Strasbourg to attend training courses similar to those organised for their colleagues from central and eastern Europe;
8.3. decides to organise, in the Middle East, in close co-operation with the Steering Committee of the Strasbourg Conference on Parliamentary Democracy, a regional seminar on the functioning of democratic institutions;
8.4. encourages its members, when visiting the Middle East, to gain a fuller understanding of the reality of the region, particularly through meeting Palestinian leaders in the West Bank and Gaza Strip;
8.5. encourages European youth organisations to involve, as might be appropriate, young Palestinians with activities they organise at the Council of Europe in the youth field.