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Resolution 1436 (2005)

Iran’s nuclear programme: need for international response

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 26 April 2005 (11th Sitting) (see Doc. 10496, report of the Political Affairs Committee, rapporteur : Mr Ates). Text adopted by the Assembly on 26 April 2005 (11th Sitting).

1. The Parliamentary Assembly is worried by various reports claiming that the Iranian authorities have been developing nuclear technologies that might be used for producing nuclear weapons, following evidence of the development of missiles with a range which would include Council of Europe member states.
2. Iran has acknowledged that it has been developing, for almost twenty years, and without informing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a secret nuclear programme including, inter alia, uranium enrichment. In so doing, Iran has failed in its commitments under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and has raised suspicion that its nuclear programme has a military purpose.
3. If Iran were to become yet another state equipped with nuclear weapons this would substantially increase the risk of destabilisation in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf area, and would become a major threat to the whole international community.
4. Iran must be aware that the international community will not tolerate its attempts to develop nuclear weapons and is ready to adopt a common response for which the consequences for Iran would largely outweigh the supposed benefits of nuclear status.
5. On the other hand, Iran should be assured that its legitimate security concerns will be addressed, but it must agree to recognise the security concerns of all states in the region and, in particular, the existence of the State of Israel and its right to security. Moreover, Iran should be reassured that its readiness to meet the international community’s concerns about its nuclear programme would open up new possibilities for international co-operation for the benefit of the Iranian people.
6. In this context, the Assembly welcomes ongoing diplomatic efforts by France, Germany and the United Kingdom (E3/EU) aimed at ensuring, through negotiations, that Iran proves its full compliance with its obligations under the NPT and allay the international community’s concerns that its nuclear programme is aimed at building nuclear weapons.
7. The Assembly notes with satisfaction that the United States has recently announced its readiness to provide support to European diplomatic efforts.
8. The Assembly calls on the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran :
to fully co-operate with the IAEA ;
to strictly abide by the NPT and the Safeguards Agreement thereto ;
to ratify the Additional Protocol to the NPT which provides a more efficient verification framework and to continue to comply with its provisions pending ratification ;
to take further steps towards meeting the international community’s concerns over Iran’s nuclear programme and rebuilding lasting confidence in its peaceful nature and, inter alia, to :
a. provide full and accurate information to IAEA on its past and current nuclear programmes ;
b. allow free and unimpeded access to its nuclear sites and research facilities, as well as to other sites if necessary, whether or not they fall under the NPT regime ;
c. take voluntary action going beyond the NPT requirements, including in particular a sustained suspension and eventually the end of its enrichment-related and reprocessing activities.
9. The Assembly calls on Council of Europe member and Observer states :
to provide full support to the E3/EU diplomatic efforts with Iran ;
through bilateral contacts, to encourage the Iranian authorities to show good will and restore the confidence of the international community by opening its nuclear programmes, in particular those which raise suspicion, to international control ;
to envisage economic incentives that would compensate Iran’s readiness to go beyond its commitments under the NPT ;
to give appropriate consideration to Iran’s security concerns, and to consider ways of ensuring peace, enhancing stability and promoting co-operation in the Middle East and Persian Gulf, including the promotion of a nuclear weapons-free zone in the region, as recommended by the United Nations General Assembly ;
to engage in a multi-level dialogue with Iran aimed at promoting pluralist democracy, respect for human rights, the rule of law and open society ;
to provide full and efficient support to the IAEA activities in relation to Iran and to ensure full and timely information sharing ;
to take advantage of the forthcoming NPT Review Conference (May 2005) to strengthen the non-proliferation regime, including, inter alia :
a. strengthening the IAEA inspection and verification capacities ;
b. strengthening export control policies and practices on dual-use technologies ;
c. ensuring that any possible misuse of civilian programmes for military purposes will be excluded ;
d. giving proper consideration to the IAEA initiative aimed at limiting the spread of nuclear enrichment technologies and putting all enrichment activities under international control while ensuring access to nuclear fuel for countries without enrichment capabilities ;
e. providing better security guarantees to non-nuclear states ;
to encourage co-operation with the IAEA and accession to the NPT by states not yet parties to the treaty.
10. The Assembly calls on the European Union to :
resume negotiations with Iran on a trade and co-operation agreement with due regard to the progress of negotiations on nuclear issues and to the implementation of democracy and human rights ;
envisage other incentives, including in the field of nuclear energy and other high technologies, that could be offered to Iran in the case of a substantial progress in the negotiations conducted by the E3/EU.
11. The Assembly resolves to remain seized by the issue of the Iranian nuclear programme and instructs its Political Affairs Committee to continue to follow this matter closely.
12. The Assembly resolves to envisage measures to be taken in order to promote democratic values, full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and an open society in Iran through parliamentary dialogue.