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Amendment No. 27 | Doc. 13160 | 22 April 2013

Post-monitoring dialogue with Turkey

Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee)

Origin - 2013 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 15.8 with the following paragraph:

"The Assembly welcomes the Turkish authorities’ official resumption, in December 2012, of exploratory talks with the PKK leader. It also welcomes of the peace process, which it believes is obviously the way forward in ending violence and creating a peaceful environment for the solution of the Kurdish issue. The Assembly is aware that the process is fragile and should be accompanied by the withdrawal of the PKK activists from Turkey. A "Committee of Wise People", made of 63 members, has been put in place. The Assembly wishes that it be representative of all actors of society and of the different political forces to support efforts to bring the initiative to a successful conclusion."