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Amendment No. 4 | Doc. 13338 | 20 November 2013

Draft Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs

Signatories: Ms Liliane MAURY PASQUIER, Switzerland, SOC ; Mr Fernand BODEN, Luxembourg, EPP/CD ; Ms Sílvia Eloïsa BONET PEROT, Andorra, SOC ; Mr Jim DOBBIN, United Kingdom, SOC

Origin - 2013 - November Standing Committee

In the draft opinion, after paragraph 7.1, insert the following paragraph:

"If the recommendation in paragraph 7.1 is followed, add the following sentence to the draft explanatory report concerning Article 21:

"Measures adopted in respect of article 21.1.d should be in conformity with the legal and ethical principles underlying the present convention, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine and its Additional Protocol concerning Transplantation of Organs and Tissues of Human Origin." "

Explanatory note

The amendment 1 proposed by the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights substantially reduces the chances of paragraph 7.1 of the draft opinion being followed by the Committee of Ministers, as it prolongs the text unnecessarily. Therefore, it is proposed to reformulate and integrate it into the draft explanatory report of the draft convention.