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Motion for a resolution | Doc. 153 | 23 November 1950

Appointment of a Special Committee to draw up a European Constitution

Signatories: Mr Carl von CAMPE, Germany

The Consultative Assembly,

Considering that the majority of its members has several times declared itself in favour of a closer union between European States,

Considering that during the Session in August, 1950, more than fifty of its members signed the proposal recommending the signing of a Federal Pact,

Considering that the negotiations on the Schuman Plan—which are about to reach a successful conclusion—have proved :

first, that the majority of the States of Europe wish to establish closer relations between themselves for the greater good of the Continent and for the betterment of the economic and social conditions in which their peoples live,

secondly, that these same States are to this end prepared to renounce a part of their sovereign attributes in favour of a supra-national authority,

Considering that the international situation necessitates more intimate collaboration between European States for the safeguarding and the defence of peace,

Decides :

1. To begin immediately the preparatory work for the drafting of a Constitution of the United States of Europe;
2. To set up a " Committee on the Constitution " composed of Representatives from those groups which agree in principle to renounce a part of the attributes of national sovereignty in favour of a supra-national European authority;
3. To instruct this Committee to draw up within a period of three months a draft Constitution of which the principal object will be the creation of a supra-national European authority;
4. To transmit this draft to the Member States of the Council of Europe through the agency of the President of the Consultative Assembly; and invite them to decide on their attitude towards the draft within a further period of three months;
5. To hold an Extraordinary Session in June, 1951, to adopt a definite position with regard to the draft Constitution and the objections which may be formulated by Member States;
6. To prepare for a plebiscite in countries which by that time had not sufficiently clarified their attitude towards the problem of the grouping together of individual States in a Federation of the United States of Europe.