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Amendment No. 27 | Doc. 13482 | 08 April 2014

Recent developments in Ukraine: threats to the functioning of democratic institutions

Signatories: Mr Grigore PETRENCO, Republic of Moldova, UEL ; Ms Olga KAZAKOVA, Russian Federation, EDG ; Mr Anvar MAKHMUTOV, Russian Federation, EDG ; Mr Igor MOROZOV, Russian Federation, EDG ; Mr Robert SHLEGEL, Russian Federation, EDG

Origin - 2014 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 9, delete the words "Such a decentralisation strategy should be based on the principles of a strong unitary State with an effective system of central governance with delegated responsibilities and powers to the regions. The Assembly strongly objects to any notion of a federalisation of Ukraine, as this would substantially weaken the unity and stability of the country."