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Agenda | Doc. 13996 | 18 April 2016

Second part of the 2016 Ordinary Session (18‑22 April 2016)

Origin - Adopted by the Assembly on 18 April 2016. 2016 - Second part-session

  • Bur Bureau of the Assembly
  • Per Standing Committee
  • Pol Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy
  • Jur Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
  • Soc Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development
  • Mig Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons
  • Cult Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media
  • Ega Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • Mon Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee)
  • Pro Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs
  • Cdh Committee on the Election of Judges to the European Court of Human Rights
  • EPP/CD Group of the European People's Party
  • SOC Socialist Group
  • ALDE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
  • EC European Conservatives Group
  • UEL Group of the Unified European Left
  • NR Representatives not belonging to a political group

Bureau of the Assembly

  • Monday08:00 - 09:30
  • Friday08:30 - 10:00


  • Monday14:00 - 15:00
  • Tuesday08:30 - 10:00
  • Tuesday14:00 - 15:30
  • Wednesday14:00 - 15:30
  • Thursday08:30 - 10:00
  • Thursday14:00 - 15:30

Political groups

  • Monday09:30 - 11:00
  • Monday17:00 - 19:00
  • Wednesday08:30 - 10:00

Opening of the part-session

Statement by the President

Examination of credentials

List of delegations:

Election of a Vice-President of the Assembly in respect of Spain

Changes in the membership of committees (Commissions (2016) 04 + Addendum 1)

Requests for debate:

Current affairs debate: “The recent and tragic escalation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”
Current affairs debate: “The tragic escalation of violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and the other occupied territories of Azerbaijan”
Urgent procedure debate: “The situation of refugees and migrants under the EU-Turkey Agreement of 18 March 2016”
Current affairs debate: “War crimes committed by Azerbaijan during the recent aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh”
Current affairs debate: “The case of the 'Panama Papers' and the concern about fiscal, social justice and public trust in our democratic system”
Urgent procedure debate: “After the Brussels attacks, urgent need to address security failures and step up counter-terrorism co-operation”

Adoption of the agenda

Approval of the minutes of proceedings of the Standing Committee (Paris, 4 March 2016) (AS/Per (2016) PV 01)


Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee

Address (15:00 - 16:00)

Annual activity report 2015 by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (CommDH(2016)7)

Presentation by:

Mr Nils MUIŽNIEKS, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

Current affairs debate (16:00 - 17:00)

The case of the “Panama Papers” and the concern about fiscal, social justice and public trust in our democratic system

Election (10:00 - 13:00)

Judges to the European Court of Human Rights

List of candidates in respect of:

Address (10:00 - 11:00)

Mr Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the European Commission

Address (12:00 - 13:00)

Mr Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU, Prime Minister of Turkey

Election (continued) (15:30 - 17:00)

Judges to the European Court of Human Rights

Question time (15:30 - 16:00)

Questions to Mr Thorbjørn JAGLAND, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Joint debate

Preventing the radicalisation of children by fighting the root causes

Presentation by:

Azerbaijan, EC
Rapporteur, AS/Soc
Sir Roger GALE
United Kingdom, EC
Rapporteur for opinion, AS/Cult
Ms Gabriela HEINRICH
Germany, SOC
Rapporteur for opinion, AS/Ega

Towards a framework of competences for democratic citizenship

Presentation by:

France, EPP/CD
Rapporteur, AS/Cult


Evaluation of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Palestinian National Council

Presentation by:

Mr Jordi XUCLÀ
Spain, ALDE
Rapporteur, AS/Pol
Mr Şaban DİŞLİ
Turkey, EPP/CD
Rapporteur for opinion, AS/Jur
Ms Marit MAIJ
Netherlands, SOC
Rapporteur for opinion, AS/Ega

[Possibly 2nd round] Election (10:00 - 13:00)

Judges to the European Court of Human Rights

List of candidates in respect of:

Slovenia (Doc. 13982)


Renewed commitment in the fight against antisemitism in Europe

Presentation by:

Latvia, SOC
Rapporteur, AS/Ega
Romania, SOC
Rapporteur for opinion, AS/Pol

Address (12:00 - 13:00)

Mr Heinz FISCHER, President of Austria

[Possibly 2nd round] Election (continued) (15:30 - 17:00)

Address (15:30 - 16:15)

Communication from the Committee of Ministers

Presentation by:

Mr Daniel MITOV, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, Chairperson of the Committee of Ministers

Address (16:15 - 17:00)

Mr José Manuel GARCÍA-MARGALLO, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation of Spain

Joint debate

A stronger European response to the Syrian refugee crisis

Presentation by:

Ms Annette GROTH
Germany, UEL
Rapporteur, AS/Mig

Human rights of refugees and migrants - the situation in the Western Balkans

Presentation by:

Ms Tineke STRIK
Netherlands, SOC
Rapporteur, AS/Mig

Debate under urgent procedure: The situation of refugees and migrants under the EU-Turkey Agreement of 18 March 2016

Presentation by:

Ms Tineke STRIK
Netherlands, SOC
Rapporteur, AS/Mig


Intellectual property rights in the digital era

Presentation by:

Germany, EPP/CD
Rapporteur, AS/Cult


Assessing the impact of measures to improve women’s political representation

Presentation by:

Italy, EPP/CD
Rapporteur, AS/Ega

Statement by:

Ms Maria Elena BOSCHI, Minister of Constitutional Reforms and Relations with Parliament of Italy

Address (12:00 - 13:00)

Mr Giorgi KVIRIKASHVILI, Prime Minister of Georgia


The humanitarian concerns with regard to people captured during the war in Ukraine

Presentation by:

Latvia, ALDE
Rapporteur, AS/Mig

Debate under urgent procedure

After the Brussels attacks, urgent need to address security failures and step up counter-terrorism co-operation

Presentation by:

Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS
Lithuania, EPP/CD
Rapporteur, AS/Pol


The handling of international public health emergencies

Presentation by:

Ms Sílvia Eloïsa BONET
Andorra, SOC
Rapporteur, AS/Soc


Forced migration: a new challenge

Presentation by:

Mr Philippe BIES
France, SOC
Rapporteur, AS/Mig


The case against a Council of Europe legal instrument on involuntary measures in psychiatry

Presentation by:

Georgia, SOC
Rapporteur, AS/Soc

Statement by:

Mr Nils MUIŽNIEKS, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

Progress report

Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee (continued)

Closure of the part-session