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Communication | Doc. 14138 | 22 September 2016

Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights{In accordance with Article 22 of the European Convention on Human Rights.}

List and curricula vitae of candidates submitted by the Government of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”

Author(s): Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly

1. List and curricula vitae of candidates submitted by the Government of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”

Letter from Mr Petar Pop-Arsov, Ambassador of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” to the Council of Europe, to Mr Wojciech Sawicki, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly, dated 9 September 2016


With regard to the election of a Judge of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of the Republic of Macedonia, I have the honour to submit the list of three candidates, in alphabetical order, for election to the post of a Judge at the European Court of Human Rights in respect of the Republic of Macedonia together with their curricula vitae and the memorandum for the national election procedure.



Letter from Mr Nikola Poposki, Minister of Foreign Affairs of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, to Mr Wojciech Sawicki, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly, dated 9 September 2016


I have the honour, in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, to submit the list of three candidates in respect of the Republic of Macedonia, in alphabetical order, for election to the post of a Judge at the European Court of Human Rights.

  • Ms Natasha Gaber-Damjanovska,
  • Mr Jovan Ilievski,
  • Mr Zvonimir Jankulovski


Information on national selection procedure for the position of a judge of the European Court of Human Rights

In accordance with the Law on Government and in line with Article 22 of the European Convention of Human Rights, on 23 February 2016 the Government of the Republic of Macedonia decided (Decision No. 42-1963/1) to establish a Commission for selection of candidates from the Republic of Macedonia for the position of judge in the European Court of Human Rights.

The Commission was composed of Mr. Nikola Poposki, Minister of Foreign Affairs - Chairman and the following members: Ms. Vangelina Markudova, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Zoran Karadzovski, member of the Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Zoran Sulejmanov, PhD, member of the Council of Public Prosecutors of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Ilija Ristovski, State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice and Iber Sela PhD, professor at the Faculty of Law at University of Tetovo.

In the mentioned Decision No. 42-1963/1 of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, this Commission has a full mandate to carry out the procedure for selection of three candidates for the subsequent election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights, but also to share the names of the three candidates with the Advisory panel.

The Commission carried out a procedure for selection of three candidates in accordance with the Rules of Procedure adopted at the first meeting of the Commission held on 11 March 2016.

Pursuant to Article 6 of the Committee’s Rules of Procedure, a public call was issued on 16 March 2016 in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 51/16, daily newspapers “Dnevnik”, “Nova Makedonija” and “Lajm”, as well as on the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia, Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Macedonia and the Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia.

The public call was prepared in accordance with Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1646 (2009), Recommendation 1649 (2004) and other documents of the Council of Europe relevant for national procedures for selection of candidates for judges at the European Court of Human Rights, as well as criteria for office contained in paragraph 1 of Article 21 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The public call set the minimum criteria to be met by candidates:

- Must enjoy high moral reputation;

- Must either possess the qualifications required for appointment to high judicial office or be jurisconsults of recognised competence (minimum of 12 years of adequate experience);

- Must be less than 65 years of age;

- Must have experience in the field of human rights;

- Must have active knowledge of one, and passive knowledge of the other official language of the Council of Europe (English and French);

A model curriculum vitae was also attached to the public call in accordance with Resolution 1646 (2009) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe which the candidates were required to fill out in the Macedonian language and also in one of the two official languages (English or French).

The public call lasted 15 days since its publication date, up to and including 31 March 2016. After the application deadline, the Commission carried out a preliminary selection.

The Commission ascertained that based on the issued public call a total of 12 (twelve) applications were received. Pursuant to Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure, the Commission then individually reviewed each of the submitted applications, in order to determine the fulfilment of the minimum requirements, the completeness of documents and timely submission.

The Commission assessed whether applicants met the minimum requirements in accordance with the Committee’s Rules of Procedure as follows:

  • The requirement that candidates enjoy high moral reputation was verified by securing oral and written references from corresponding associations, chambers and other professional bodies the candidates belong to (depending on whether it is a candidate with experience as a judge, public prosecutor, lawyer, professor etc.);
  • The requirement that candidates possess the qualifications required for appointment to high judicial office or be jurisconsults of recognised competence was verified by performing insight into the corresponding work experience which must not be less than 12 years in the respective profession;
  • The requirement that candidates are younger than 65 was verified by checking their personal documents;
  • The requirement that candidates have experience in the field of human rights was verified through insight in submitted curriculum vitae of candidates;
  • The requirement that candidates have active knowledge of one, and passive knowledge of the other official language of the Council of Europe (English and French) was verified through insight into the submitted curriculum vitae and the candidates’ motivation letters. Additionally, a part of the interview was executed in one of the official language of the Council of Europe (English and French). Finally, the public call informed that the three candidates selected by the Commission shall be obligated to prove their knowledge of languages by submitting internationally recognized certificates confirming knowledge of foreign languages (English and French, minimum level of C1 for the active language and a minimum level of A1/A2 for their passive language) by 15 August 2016.

Having reviewed all submitted applications, the Commission found that out of a total of 12 (twelve) candidates, only 8 (eight) fulfilled the minimum requirements laid down in the public call and the Commission’s Rules of Procedure.

Following the initial administrative selection, the Commission adopted a decision for candidates who passed the initial administrative selection to be invited to an interview.

Pursuant to the positive practices from other countries, instructions by the Council of Europe and the Commission’s Rules of Procedure, a segment of the interview, was carried out in English.

After the interviews, the Commission moved on to evaluate candidates. The evaluation of candidates was carried out individually and anonymously. Each member of the Commission evaluated candidates with scores from 1 to 10, and subsequently a list of the candidates was drafted with their scores, with candidates with highest score average topping the list.

It should be noted that the process of selection of candidates from the Republic of Macedonia for the position of judge in the European Court of Human Rights was very much open to the public during the whole course of the process.

Information about the process of the selection of the candidates was released on the web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 18 June 2016. In addition the press release provided links to the CoE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1646 (2009) and Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1649 (2004), as well as to the Rules of Procedures of the Commission for selection of candidates for the position of judge in the European Court of Human Rights.

The Decision No. 42-1963/1 of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia also stipulates that the final list of three candidates for electing a judge to the ECHR, will be submitted by the Commission to the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, which in turn will transmit the proposal to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe responsible for the final decision on electing one of the three proposed candidates for judges to the ECHR.

On 6 September 2016 the Government, based on the proposal of the Commission, approved the list of three candidates, in alphabetical order, for the post of a Judge at the European Court of Human Rights in respect of the Republic of Macedonia.

Appendix 1 – Natasha GABER-DAMJANOVSKA


			Text in bold indicates
posts or missions held at present.

I. Personal details

Name, forename: Gaber-Damjanovska, Natasha

Sex: female

Date and place of birth: 9 October 1962, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Nationality: Republic of Macedonia

II. Education and academic and other qualifications

  • 1995 – Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University St. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje, Ph.D. in Political Science
  • 1990 – Faculty of Law, University St. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje, MA in Legal and Political Science
  • 1984 – Faculty of Law, University St. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje, BA in Law
  • 2001 – “Blueprinting Legal Principles for Civic Organizations”, Seminar for Macedonian judges and lawyers, Czech Republic and USA, USAID/ICNL
  • 1999 – Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Kokkalis Executive Program in International Leadership and Economic Development
  • 1998 – World Bank, Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Seminar 1998, “NGOs as a Source of Great Potential in Society’s Further Development”, Robert McNamara Fellowships Program 1997/1998
  • 1997 – USA study visit on “Civic Organizations’ Taxation Laws-Rules and Principles”, USAID
  • 1996 – Salzburg Seminar Session 336 “The US Presidential Election Process”
  • 1995 – International Institute of Human Rights Rene Cassin, Certificate of Participation at the 26th Session, Strasbourg July 1995 and Certificate of Participation at the International Center for University Human Rights Teaching, 23rd session, Strasbourg
  • 1994 – USA study visit, “Legal Regulation of the Status of Civic Organizations” USAID
  • 1993 – European University Institute, Summer Course on European Law, Florence Italy 1993
  • 1993 – British Council/Chievning Scholarship, Government Department, Essex University, Colchester United Kingdom school year 1993/94

III. Relevant professional activities

a. Description of judicial activities:

Elected Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia on 7 October 2008. Still holding position.

b. Description of non-judicial legal activities:

  • Teached Constitutional Law at the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors “Pavel Shatev” in 2014
  • Drafter/team member of the Law on Associations and Foundations, voted in 2011; Drafter/team member of the Law for Citizens Associations and Foundations, voted in June 1998
  • Expert/team member on drafting the Law on Volunteering and the Volunteering Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia, 2009-2010
  • Drafter/team member of the Law on Election of Representatives in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, voted in 2005; Drafter/member of Ministry of Justice expert team for drafting the Law on Election of Representatives in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia voted in 2002; Idem, May 1998
  • Team member of the working group drafting the Law on conflict of interests (first draft), 2005
  • Team member of the working group drafting the Law on prevention and protection against discrimination, OSCE, 2004/2005
  • Team member of the working group drafting Law on noise pollution, Ministry of Environment, 2002
  • Possibilities of implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Macedonia: Access to information and decision-making participation regarding the environment, study, Regional Center for Environment Protection, 2000
  • Legal Regulation Against Domestic Violence (co-author of the edition), Humanitarian association for emancipation, solidarity and equality of women (HA-ESE) and American Bar Association of Central and East European Legal Initiative (ABA CEELI), Skopje, 1999
  • “Promoting Human Values”, (co-authorship) textbook on raising awareness among elementary school children for human rights and humanistic values, as well as conflict resolution education and education against discrimination, Red Cross of Macedonia, International Committee of the Red Cross and Ministry of Education Republic of Macedonia 1996-1998 (three editions)

c. Description of non-legal professional activities:

Full Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”-Skopje (2006-2008) on the subjects: Civil society – Characteristics and legal framework and Political decision-making.

Continuous participation and/or conducting research during the years working at the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical research for various domestic and foreign partners: UN agencies, EU, World Bank, OSCE, USAID, IRI, NDI, OSI, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, domestic civic organizations, partner universities etc. Involved in writing policy papers, academic papers, studies, national strategies, teaching. Topics mainly included: conflict resolution, elections, human rights (freedom of movement, peaceful assembly, gender equality, women’s rights, children rights, Roma, health, ethnic affiliation, religious affiliation, minorities, environment), civil society, political system, stability and peace.

Follows a brief list of few of the documents produced:

Team member of the working group drafting the state Program for prevention and suppression of corruption, Political system and judiciary pillar, 2007.

Author of the Strategy for cooperation with the civic sector, Government of the Republic of Macedonia, General Secretariat, 2006.

Author (in co-authorship) of the National Strategy for Roma in the Republic of Macedonia, Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, 2004/2005.

Author (in co-autorship) of the draft National Housing Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia, (the legal part), Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Ministry of Transport and Communication, 2005.

IV. Activities and experience in the field of human rights

See above and under Field/civil society activism

V. Public activities

a. Public office

Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia (7 October 2008 - Present)

b. Elected posts

c. Posts held in a political party or movement

VI. Other activities

Field/civil society activism

  • Former long-term board member, Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (civil society organization, nine years completed, four out of which as Board Chair)
  • Current Board Member, Macedonian Development Foundation for Companies (civil society organization, five years until today)
  • Current Board Member, International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, Washington DC (international civil society organization, three years until today)

VII. Publications and other works

During the years of working experience at the University, I have been engaged in a little less than forty projects supported by various domestic and foreign partners (see above).

During the years working at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia, other than the regular work, I have been engaged in writing papers that mainly derive from the experience obtained from the Court jurisprudence.

Overall, the result is the production of seven books, about thirty studies or part of studies (co-authorships) and twenty academic papers.

Follows a list of the most important/recent publications:

  • “Defending the Constitution and Civilization Values” – collection of personal dissenting opinions at the Constitutional Court, Macedonian Center for International Cooperation and TACSO (Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organizations- EU project), Skopje, March 2016 (book, in Macedonian)
  • “By-laws through the Practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia”, at the Conference celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia, “contemporary Challenges of the Constitutional Courts”, sub-topic “Estimation of Constitutionality and Legality of By-laws”, Skopje September 18-21, 2014 (paper, in Macedonian)
  • “The Constitutional Principle of the Equality of Vote Viewed Through the EU Standards – the case of Ex-Patriot Vote” (academic paper, in English), University American College Skopje and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 8th Annual International Academic Conference on European Integration, 2013
  • “Effect and Execution of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia” (16p.), Regional Conference of the Constitutional Courts, Sremski Karlovci 5-7 July 2012 (paper, in Serbian and Macedonian)
  • “Criminal Code of the Republic of Macedonia – Rethinking Article 38-d”, Revue Internationale de Droit Penal Vol.83, 2012/1-2, Editeur E.R.E.S, ISBN 9782749232188 (paper, in English and French)
  • “Systemic Characteristics of the Republic of Macedonia Viewed Through the Constitution of 1991 and the Amendments of 2001”, International Congress on Constitutional Law, Istanbul, 11-14 May, 2011 (paper, in English)
  • “Constitutional Amending in the Republic of Macedonia – Reflection of the Current Social and Political Situation”, Political Thought, IDSCS, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Year 9, n.35, Skopje 2011, p.11-22 (paper, in Macedonian)
  • “Direct Presidential Elections in the Republic of Macedonia-necessity or not?” (academic paper, coauthorship, in Macedonian), ISPJR Yearbook 2010
  • “Civil Sector Participation in the Legal and Policy Decision-making process in Macedonia”, CIRA and European Center for Not-for-Profit Law 2007, analysis, in Macedonian
  • “Citizen's Associations and Foundations” (coauthorship), Faculty of Law “Justinijan Ist”, ICNL, USAID, Skopje 2001 (university textbook, in Macedonian)
  • Commentary on the Law for Citizen's Associations and Foundations (coauthorship), MCIC/ICNL Skopje, 1999, published in both Macedonian and English language
  • “The Role of Majority in the Political Reality”, LIST, Skopje, 1997 (book, in Macedonian)

VIII. Languages






very good



very good



very good



a. First language:


Macedonian (mother tongue)







b. Official languages:
















c. Other languages:





































Obtained TOEFL English language certificate C1 level – 107 points (out of 120 total).

IX. In the event that you do not meet the level of language proficiency required for the post of judge in an official language, please confirm your intention to follow intensive language classes of the language concerned prior to, and if need be also at the beginning of, your term of duty if elected a judge on the Court.

I firmly believe my English proficiency is more than sufficient to meet the professional needs for the post of the judge in an officially designated language. In addition, if a need occurs, I hereby confirm my intention to follow intensive language classes of the language concerned prior to, and if need be also at the beginning of, my term of duty if elected a judge on the Court.

X. Other relevant information

Computer literacy obtained.

XI. Please confirm that you will take up permanent residence in Strasbourg if elected a judge on the Court.

I hereby confirm that I am willing to take up permanent residence in Strasbourg if elected Judge on the Court.

Appendix 2 – Jovan ILIEVSKI


			Text in bold indicates
posts or missions held at present.

I. Personal details

Name, forename: Ilievski, Jovan

Sex: male

Date and place of birth: 7 March 1958, Tetovo

Nationality: Republic of Macedonia

Marital status: married

II. Education


[Date from – Date to]

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje,

Faculty of Law, Justinijanus Primus

2013 – The academic title of Doctor was achieved on 18.02.2013 after successfully passing the final examination of his doctoral dissertation titled “The history of Macedonia’s public prosecution office - position, role and, perspectives”

2011 – Enrolled doctoral studies (Ph.D) in criminal law at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje

2011 – M.Sc. – Master’s Degree of Science in Criminal Law at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje

1985 – Bar Exam Diploma

1983 – Graduated from the Faculty of law at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje

III. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)






Mother tongue





















IV. Activities and experience in the field of human rights

  • Private practice as a defender - Work on criminal and civil cases at all stages of criminal proceedings, including the protection of human rights, regardless of the status of participant in the proceedings (defendant, victim, damaged, sued etc.)
  • Head of the project implemented by the Association of Public Prosecutors: “Facilitating the presence of victims of crime - Trafficking in human beings before the courts in the Republic of Macedonia”
  • Author of the publication: “Transparency in criminal procedure - Guide for journalists through criminal proceedings”
  • Member of the working group of the project “Strengthening the capacity of law enforcement for proper treatment of detained and convicted persons”, funded by EU
  • 22 to 24 of March 2007, Skopje, Seminar on International Humanitarian Law
  • 29 to 31 of March 2007, Skopje, General Training topics of international humanitarian law
  • Participant of the European Program for Human Rights Education for Lawyers (HELP Program), 2008
  • 4 and 5 July 2008, Ohrid, Seminar for training of educators and mentors to apply the European Convention on Human Rights
  • 20 and January 21, 2010, Skopje, training for civil society organizations to provide legal assistance to victims of domestic violence, the lecture entitled “The procedure ex officio in cases of domestic violence”
  • 2011 – Strasbourg, France, a study visit to Articles 3, 5 and 6 of the ECHR
  • Publication: “Procedures for handling child - victim”, Developed with technical support of the Children's Fund of the United Nations (UNICEF), 2014
  • Council of Europe 18-20 November 2015, “Freedom vs. Control: Democratic reaction”

V. Public Activities - Membership of professional bodies

  • September 2015 – President of the Commission for harmonization of penal policy
  • 2006 – Member of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) within the Council of Europe
  • 2004 – Representative of the Public Prosecutors Office of the Republic of Macedonia in the South East European Prosecutors Advisory Group (SEEPAG) from its founding; as of 1 January 2012 a chairmen of this body
  • 2001 – Member of the Association of Public Prosecutors in Macedonia

VI. Publications and other works

  • Published several publications in periodic newsletter “Law Review”, “Review of the Association for Criminal Law and Criminology” “Advocacy”, etc.
  • Author of the publication: “The situation of human trafficking in Macedonia -International project “Hera”
  • United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols (comments, attachments, explanations and recommendations): Role of the Police and the Public Prosecutor's Office in implementing the provisions of the Convention, Skopje, September 2002, Publisher: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, Financial supported by: European Agency for reconstruction - a team of European Commission for Justice and Home Affairs
  • Judicial Review, September 2003, No 3: Presentation of the Regional Project of the Stability Pact intended for the education of judges and prosecutors on human trafficking, with a focus on training manual for prosecutors and judges, Publisher: Association of Judges of Republic of Macedonia
  • Judicial Review, October 2005, No 3: Extradition and transfer of sentenced persons in terms of the actions of the Public Prosecution, Publisher: Association of Judges of the Republic of Macedonia
  • Judicial Review, September 2006, No. 2: Legal framework for combating crime organized crime and actions of the Department for prosecution of perpetrators of crimes related to organized crime and corruption in the Public Prosecutor Office of the Republic of Macedonia, Publisher: Association of Judges of the Republic of Macedonia
  • Macedonian Review of Penal Law and Criminology, No 2-3 2008: The concept of money laundering according to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Macedonia Publisher: Association of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Republic of Macedonia
  • Organized crime - legal aspects: Organized Crime and its practical aspects in the Republic of Macedonia, October 2008, Publisher: University of the South East Europe, Republic of Macedonia
  • Advocacy, No. 26, April 2009: The practical and theoretical challenges and advantages for prosecution and conviction under the proposed provisions (of the Criminal Procedure Code), Publisher: Bar Association of the Republic of Macedonia
  • International conference of experts on combating drugs: Legal Aspects of crimes - Unauthorized production and sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors - article 215 and Enabling the use of narcotic drugs - Article 216 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Macedonia June 2010th
  • Special investigative measures, Domestic and international practice, December 2010, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje
  • Academy for training of Judges and Public Prosecutors, Advanced trainings on the new Law on Criminal Procedure, Module 1, Pre-investigation procedure - Manual - Skopje, 2013

Other skills: Excellent knowledge of MS Word & Excel

Present position: Head of Public Prosecution Office for Organised Crime and Corruption

Years within the firm: 18 years

a. Key qualifications and interest

  • More than 30 years of experience in the law enforcement and public order and security environment
  • Extensive knowledge in the field of fighting organized crime, corruption at all levels
  • Very seasoned and sophisticated lecturer in different fields of law since being part time professor at the university
  • Since 2003 a number of appearances on national, European and international workshops, study visits and conferences at different institutions associated with corruption, organized crime and international law in various fields
  • Participant of different trainings related to organized crime and corruption
  • Great team player with great team spirit
  • Excellent knowledge in development and preparation of assessments and trainings

b. Specific experience in the region


Date from - Date to

Republic of Macedonia

1988 - 2015

VII. Professional experience

Date from – Date to


Company & Reference Name Contact detail


Description of working assignments

Since September 2013

Štip, Macedonia

State university “Goce Delchev”


(part time)

- Lecturer in fighting Organized Crime

- Lecturer in fighting corruption and prevention of corruption

- Lecturer for International Criminal Procedural Law

- Lecturer for History of Law

Date from – Date to


Company & Reference Name Contact detail


Description of working assignments

2009 - present

Skopje, Macedonia

Basic Public Prosecution Office

Head of the Basic Public Prosecution Office

- Head and prosecution counsel for cases of organized crime and corruption

- Special responsibility for serious cases of corruption in which amount of involved money is more than 50% of average income)

- Special responsibility of corruption related crimes including abuse of official position, corruption committed in the process of public procurement or involvement of state budget of Macedonia

- Competent authority to deal with corruption cases with involvement of police officers

- Competent authority for prosecution of cases of unlawful influence and unlawful mediation of officials

- Competent authority for prosecution of transnational corruption cases


Skopje, Macedonia

Public Prosecutors Office of the Republic of Macedonia (State Attorney General Office)

Public Prosecutor

- Elected member of the public prosecutor office

- Special responsibility for serious cases of corruption in which amount of involved money is more than 50% of average income)

- Special responsibility of corruption related crimes including abuse of official position, corruption committed in the process of public procurement or involvement of state budget of Macedonia

- Competent authority to deal with corruption cases with involvement of police officers

- Competent authority for prosecution of cases of unlawful influence and unlawful mediation of officials

- Competent authority for prosecution of transnational corruption cases

2004 - 2008

Skopje, Macedonia

Department for prosecuting perpetrators of criminal acts from the area of organized crime and corruption Public Prosecutors Office of the Republic of Macedonia

Head of the Department

- Engaged in the development of the separated prosecutor office for fighting organized crime and corruption

- Special responsibility for serious cases of corruption in which amount of involved money is more than 50% of average income)

- Special responsibility of corruption related crimes including abuse of official position, corruption committed in the process of public procurement or involvement of state budget of Macedonia

- Competent authority to deal with corruption cases with involvement of police officers

- Competent authority for prosecution of cases of unlawful influence and unlawful mediation of officials

- Competent authority for prosecution of transnational corruption cases

1997 - 2004

Skopje, Macedonia

Public Prosecution Office in Skopje

Deputy Public Prosecutor

- Line prosecutor within the public prosecution office

- Responsibility for criminal cases at all stages of criminal proceedings

1993 –1997

Skopje, Macedonia

Private practice as a defence attorney


- Working on criminal and civil cases at all stages of criminal proceedings

1988 - 1993

Skopje, Macedonia

Public Prosecution Office in Skopje

Deputy Public Prosecutor

- Working on criminal cases at all stages of criminal proceedings

VIII. Other relevant information

Additional professional engagements:

  • Elected as an educator in the Academy for training judges and public prosecutors on the criminal law, corruption, asset forfeiture, international legal aid; currently trainer on the new Criminal Procedure Code
  • Member of the working groups within the Ministry of Justice, for preparing the draft laws on Public Prosecutor Office, the Law on Council of Public prosecutors, the Criminal Procedure Code. Currently is a member of the working group for preparing the changes to the Crime Code and the Law on Public Prosecutor Office
  • Project Leader of several projects implemented by the Association of Public Prosecutors of Macedonia: “Facilitating the presence of the victims of a crime - Human trafficking, before the courts in Republic of Macedonia” and “Establishing an independent control mechanism of the work of law enforcement agencies, strengthening the role of the public prosecutor”
  • 27 to 30 March 2007 Skopje, participation in preparation of State Program for Prevention and Repression of Corruption
  • 2011 - Member of the National Coordination Body for monitoring the implementation of the new Criminal Procedure Code
  • 1 January to 7 April 2014 engaged as an expert assessment of international legal assistance in criminal matters within the IPA 2010 project “Strengthening prosecutorial network in the Western Balkans”

Additional education/trainings:

Jovan Ilievski participated, or was a speaker at numerous trainings, conferences, study visits, and round tables on many topics and events. Some of them are:

  • IOM/FBI – Human Trafficking Task Force Seminar for SECI representatives
  • Joint European TEMPUS Project, “Advanced Training for Fight against Organized Crime”
  • Training for Trainers in Human Trafficking in Romania
  • Investigating and prosecuting narcotics offences: worldwide and regional trends
  • UNDP and USAID Training of Trainers Seminar
  • Trainer at the 7 training workshops – SPTF Anti-Trafficking Training Module for Judges and Prosecutors
  • Investigating and prosecuting organized crime cases
  • Corruption - it’s manifestation, the regulations and the measures for fighting corruption
  • The role of the Public Prosecutor in discovering organized crime
  • The trafficking of women and their sexual exploitation
  • June 1, 2006, Skopje, Conference on “Witness Protection”, Lecturer “Problems in the implementation of legal provisions for the protection of witnesses, collaborators of justice and victims as well as the application of special investigative measures”
  • 27 to 30 March 2007, Skopje, final workshop for the preparation of State Program for Prevention and Repression of Corruption
  • September 22, 2007, Skopje, Training of trainers for training of lawyers' skills for defense - Macedonian Young Lawyers Association, a lecture on “Collection of evidence”
  • October 20, 2007, Skopje, Training of trainers for training of lawyers' skills for defense, lecture on “Expert testimony”
  • 1 and 2 December 2008, Skopje, seminar on “Investigation of Economic Crimes, German - Macedonian exchange of experiences,” lecture “The concept of money laundering according to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Macedonia”
  • December 6, 2008, Skopje, improving the capabilities of the defense lawyers, expert lecture
  • 5 to 28 September 2009 Skopje, Training for newly elected judges and newly elected public prosecutors in 2009. Topics: Processing of certain current topics of the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code required for the Professional Practice of judges and prosecutors. Lecture: International and EU cooperation in criminal matters and the role of networks of Judges and Prosecutors
  • 20 and 21 March 2009, New Dojran, Bar Association of the Republic of Macedonia, a seminar on “Law on Criminal Procedure,” a lecture entitled “Investigations procedure”
  • Throughout the year of 2010, he has completed the international seminar “Strengthening international cooperation in the fight against terrorism” held in the European Centre for Security Studies, the Marshal Centre in Germany
  • In the year of 2012 he has completed the intensive training program of the U.S. National Institute of Trial Advocacy (N.I.T.A), for which he was bestowed upon with a “Teacher of trial skills” diploma
  • National Association of Prosecutors General and Research Institute (NAGTRI), Nagtri International Training Program, June 2-10, 2012, Washington and New York, USA
  • 05-06 March 2014 Skopje, international conference “Investigations for money laundering and corruption” (Master Class on Money Laundering and Corruption Investigations), presentation “Money Laundering And Investigations Related To Corruption”
  • 4 to 6 April 2014, Bitola, Advanced training for computer skills
  • Advanced training for the new law of criminal procedure - legal remedies - 19th December 2013, Hotel Arka, Skopje - New solutions in the previous procedure
  • Advanced training for the new law of criminal procedure, pre-investigation proceedings - special investigative measures, Skopje, march 11 to 13, 2013
  • 2015, Skopje, Bitola and Stip, Training on “Law on deciding and determining the penalty,” educator. Organizers: Academy for Judges and Prosecutors “Pavel Shatev” and U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)

Study visits and conferences:

Roundtable: pleebargain in criminal procedure, November 27, 2015, Hotel TCC Grand Plaza, Skopje, Presentation on “Plea-bargaining in cases of organized crime and corruption (the focus is on the practical application of the plea agreement in the work of the Public Prosecution for prosecution of organized crime and corruption)”

25 to 28 October 2015, Munich, Germany, the 17th International Forum for prosecutors for fight of organized crime

15 and 16 October 2015, Skopje, Regional conference “The role of the prosecutor in the second instance proceedings in the mixed criminal legal systems.” Presentation: “The new concept of criminal proceedings according to the Criminal Procedure Code from 2010"

April 28, 2015, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. 26th meeting of SEEPAG (Southeast European Prosecutors Advisory Group). Presentation on “Practical aspects of mutual legal assistance concerning cases of drug trafficking”

04 and April 5, 2015, Bucharest, Romania, Center for Law Enforcement in Southeast Europe, 15th meeting of the Task Force for combating fraud and smuggling, IPLEC specialized training on issues related to forgery

16 and December 17, 2014, Rome, Italy, the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE): 9th plenary meeting

December 15, 2014, Rome, Italy, Conference on “The organizational structure of public prosecution in Europe and the relationship with the investigative bodies”

11 and 12 December, 2014, Skopje, International Workshop on Criminal Procedure and the role of the public prosecutor, Lecture: “Abolition of the judicial investigation and taking the leading role of public prosecutor in criminal proceedings”

2014 - Brussels, Belgium, Conference for Financial Investigation and Confiscation of Property

27-29 October 2014, Washington, DC, Conference on international bribery and corruption

17 to 19 September 2014, Ohrid, Regional Conference “Methodology for evaluating candidates in basic police training”

15 and 16 September 2014, Gevgelija, Seminar on “Alternative measures to imprisonment”

31 May - June 7, 2014, Study visit to US - Commission for accountability of judges in California - Center for Community Justice in court - Municipal Court of San Francisco County, Criminal Division - Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts - Bar Association of San Francisco - Project for alternatives to punishing, San Francisco - State attorney of San Francisco and chief public prosecutor and special department - State Public Prosecutor of California - Bar of California - Public Prosecutor of the United States at the federal level - Sentencing Commission of San Francisco - Probation Federal Office of State for the Northern District of California - Public Prosecutor of San Francisco - Judge Brajer, Senior federal judge - criminal proceedings - Judge Brajer, senior federal judge and vice president of the Sentencing Commission of the US - meeting - City and County of San Francisco Department of Probation of adult offenders - Court in Tracky - Bar Tracky - National Judicial College - Court of the Second Judicial District of Nevada, - Grant Sawyer Legal Center / Law Studies, University of Nevada, Reno - State Bar of Nevada

2014 - Budapest, Hungary, Witness Protection Conference

2014 - Hague, Holland, Closing conference of the project “Strengthening of the Public Prosecutor Network in Fight Against Organized Crime”

2014 - Zagreb, Croatia, Conference of the International Association of Public Prosecutors (C.I.A.P.P)

24th meeting of SEEPAG (Southeast European Prosecutors Advisory Group) - Protection of witnesses and official participants in criminal proceedings, April 28, 2014 - Budapest, Hungary

14 to 16 April 2014, The Hague, Netherlands, The international conference on “United for fighting organized crime”

14th IAP - European Regional Conference, Croatia, Zagreb, March 2014

26 and 27 March, 2014, Skopje, attending a workshop on “Financial investigations”

20 and 21 November, 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania, participation on the Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Network

23-rd meeting of SEEPAG (Southeast European Prosecutors Advisory Group) - New trends in crimes of terrorism under the current global changes, Monday, October 21 and Tuesday, October 22, 2013, Athens, Greece

8 and 9 May 2013, Corfu, Greece, The international conference on “Smuggling of Migrants”

2013 - Budva, Monte Negro, WB Network Conference

30 March-14 April 2013 - Study visit to Philadelphia & Denver, USA, adversarial criminal procedure

Conference on Cooperation in Criminal Justice: Witness Protection in the fight against organized crime and terrorism (WINPRO II), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 7th and 8th March 2013

2013 - Study visit to Belfast, Northern Ireland, police and courts

2013 - Hague, Holland, “Confiscation of property and property revenue”

27 January to 2 February 2013, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, a study visit “Support of the National Police and Criminal Justice Reform”

Workshop on the structure of organized crime in the Western Balkans countries, The Hague, 22-24 January 2013

5 to 8 December 2012, Vienna, Austria, International Workshop on combating human trafficking

Consultative Council Of European Prosecutors (CCPE), the 7th plenary session, 26-27 November 2012 in Strasbourg, Council of Europe

4th meeting of the group of countries in the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (CETS No. 196), 14 November 2012, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, Agora Room G.03

Forum on Internet Governance, Baku, Azerbaijan, 6-9 November 2012, Protecting you and your rights: Article 15 of the Convention on Cybercrime from Budapest

November 2012, Ohrid, Regional Conference, “The system of integrity and anti-corruption prevention policies”

Skopje, Relationship between the public prosecution and the media, Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Study visit on standards for data protection EUROJUST, 27/09/2012 and 28/09/2012, The Hague and Rotterdam

17 to 21 September 2012, The Hague, Netherlands, a study visit to EUROJUST

July 10, 2012, The Hague, Netherlands, the Regional Conference: “Data Collection and Data Protection”

“First Meeting of the European Regional Expert teams from Southeast Europe on judicial cooperation in criminal and civil matters”, 29/30 May 2012 in Bucharest, Romania

Criminal associations, types of organized crime groups, the cases in Southeast Europe and the problems that arise in practice. Ohrid, Tuesday, May 8, 2012 and Wednesday, May 9, 2012

27 and 28 April, 2012, Ohrid, Seminar: “The new solutions in the Law on Criminal Procedure, the fight against corruption and implementation of international instruments and standards” Two lectures: - Forms of corruption, special investigative techniques and the role of the Public Prosecutor according to the Law on Criminal Procedure - The new solutions of the Law on Criminal Procedure - Settlement of fine and guilty plead

Regional meeting winpro project ipa 2009 regional programme March 28, 2012, in Podgorica, Montenegro

November 16 to 18, 2011 – Conference (OLAF) European Administration against fraud “Legal framework and practice between court authorities and administration in fighting fraud”, Sofia, Bulgaria;

Investigation and prosecution of crimes of money laundering, Monday, November 7, 2011 - Wednesday, November 9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia

November 2011, Mavrovo, U4 Workshop: “Building integrity and preventing corruption in Macedonia: Concepts, challenges and courses of action”

01 and 02 November, 2011- Conference “Using undercover against and the use of special investigative measure” Controlled delivery”, Kishinev, Moldavia;

Study visit to The Hague - Cooperation in criminal law: protection of witnesses in the fight against serious crime and terrorism (WINPRO), from 04 to 08 September, 2011

2011 – International Conference on Anti-Corruption, Zagreb, Croatia

“Prevention and repression of corruption in the police” (16-17 December 2010), Skopje

2010 – Berlin and Hannover, Germany, support to prosecutorial network of the Western Balkans countries

December 13, 2010, Struga, Conference for corruption, lecture on “Prevention and Suppression of Corruption in the legal system of the Republic of Macedonia”

15 and 16 November 2010, Lille, France, a lecturer at the Symposium: International drug trafficking

2010 – Rennes, France, visit of specialized interior ministry departments on fight against drugs trafficking, money laundering and organized crime, and courts, prosecution offices

2010 - The Third National Networking Meeting, “Towards Global EU-Action against Trafficking in Human Beings”, Madrid, Spain

2010 – International Conference on “Civil responsibility of prosecutors and prosecutors office”, Budapest, Hungary

November 24, 2009, Strasbourg, France, Support the network of the public prosecutors from Southeastern Europe

10 and 11 November 2009, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15th conference of the members of SEEPAG (Southeast European Prosecutors Advisory Group): Cooperation between the Public Prosecution and the courts in the region of SEEPAG, Presentation on the situation in Macedonia

03 and 04 November, 2009, DG Enlargement of the European Commission in cooperation with the Academy of European Law (ERA): Seminar on the fight against cyber crime

August 30-September 2, 2009 Salzburg, Austria, 12th international forum for public prosecutors for fight organized cross-border crime

2009 – Berlin, Germany, learning the German legal system and institutions

2009 – Lisbon, Portugal, support to prosecutorial network of the Western Balkans countries

22 and 23 September, 2009 – SECI Center meeting “Fight against organized crime and specialized structures: improve cooperation, capacity and expertise”, Bucharest, Romania

Seminar: “Organization of Public Prosecution”, 6 to 9 April 2009, Skopje

2 and 3 April 2009, Brussels, Belgium, an international conference of prosecutors on “International cooperation and prosecution in the war crimes cases in the countries of the West Balkans” presentation “Analysis of cases transferred to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia to the competent authorities of the Republic of Macedonia”

21 to 23 October 2008, The Hague, Netherlands, a study visit to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

29 September to 1 October 2008, Budapest, Hungary, “The fight against global corruption and money laundering - tools and best practices”

25 to 27 September 2008, Ohrid, Economic crime and the reform of the criminal and procedural legislation

2008 – Study visit to Public Prosecution Office, Genoa, Italy; twining project with Italy

2008 – Twining Project with Italy – study visit to Brussels, Hague and Vienna

May 27, 2008, The Hague, Netherlands, COSPOL - heroin trafficking International Conference

14 and 15 February, 2008, Skopje, Fighting money laundering and procedures for the implementation of security measures, confiscation of assets and property and seizure of property, a presentation entitled “The concept of money laundering according to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Macedonia - Good practices and problem areas in prosecuting cases of money laundering” 24 and 25 January, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey, the international conference on “Strengthening of the institutional and judicial cooperation in the Balkan narcotics roads” presentation “Special investigative measures - Cocaine Case”

09-19 December 2007, “The fight against organized crime”, Study visit - Brussels, The Hague and Vienna

28 to 30 November 2007, Strasbourg, France, Second Plenary Meeting of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE)

14 to 16 November, 2007, Skopje, Conference “Organized crime: prevention of various forms of criminal associations and groups, links between organized crime and the economy, investigative techniques: the use of new technologies in the fight against organized crime, collaborators of justice: problems and efficiency analysis of the Macedonian system of trial: possible alternatives”

25 and 26 October, 2007, Bucharest, Romania, 10-th Meeting of the members of SEEPAG (Southeast European Prosecutors Advisory Group) on “Exchange and protection of information between institutions that implement the Law”

25 to 27 September, 2007, Skopje, Transnational Organized Crime. Developments and strategies to prevent

11 to 13 September 2007, Bucharest, Romania, a seminar on conducting investigations against criminal associations, presentation of the situation in the Republic of Macedonia on “Challenges for the Public Prosecutors”

24 June-1 July, 2007, Study visit to Italy - Rome and central institutions

June 2007, Skopje, Special investigative techniques and how to challenge it, a lecture on “The Role of the Prosecutor in the use of Special investigative techniques, their content, conditions associated with their application and effects”

14 and 15 June 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, “Financing of Terrorism”

May 27 to June 1, 2007, Skopje, French Embassy in Macedonia: Seminar on the “Internal Control of the Ministry of Interior”

07 - 11 May, 2007, The Hague, Netherlands, Working visit of Judges and Prosecutors of Macedonia - ICTY

05 and 6 May 2007, Ohrid, Conference: “The role of journalists - researchers in the fight against corruption in Macedonia - results, challenges and constraints”

23 to 27 April 2007, Ohrid, Workshop: “Theory of investigation” - Federal Bureau of Investigation - United States

March 2007, Przhno, Montenegro, establishment of an independent, reliable and functional judiciary and intensifying cooperation in the field of judiciary in the Western Balkans

09 and 10 March 2007, Ohrid, Conference on “Fighting organized crime in the Republic of Macedonia” a lecture on “Institutional Cooperation and coordination role of the Prosecutor's Office”

March 2007, Zagreb, Croatia, Fighting corruption: Best practices - increasing effectiveness through inter-institutional and multi-sector approach, Presentation: “Best practices in fighting corruption and organized crime”

Roundtable “Criminal justice response to organized crime”, 08.02.2007, Hotel “Arka”, Skopje

6 and 7 December 2006, Skopje, Seminar on “Combating money laundering and procedures for the implementation of security measures, confiscation of property and property and seizure of items”, lecture “The concept of money laundering according to the Criminal Procedure in the Republic of Macedonia - good practices and problem areas in the prosecution of cases of money laundering”

15-19 May 2006, Ohrid, a workshop on investigative techniques in cases of money laundering, a presentation on “Money laundering and tax evasion as a predicate offense”

May 11, 2006, Bucharest, Romania, 11-th meeting of the working group of the SECI Center for the suppression of drug trafficking, presentation of the legal framework in the Republic of Macedonia and powers of the public prosecutor in cases of illicit trafficking in drugs

30 and 31 March, 2006, Tirana, Albania, an international conference on “Building an independent, accountable and functioning judiciary and strengthening judicial cooperation in the Western Balkans”

March 23, 2006, Skopje, Training for tracking cases in human trafficking and organized crime, a lecture on “Organized Crime: phenomenology of organized crime (manifestations, volume and dynamics), international and national regulations (problems with the definition of the notion of organized crime, the type of offenses according to the Criminal Code covered by the notion of organized crime, participation of several persons in committing the crime), manifestations of organized crime in Macedonia, the National strategy for the prevention of Organised crime and changes in the organizational placement of public prosecution”

March 2006, Skopje, Police Academy, lecturer of course to fight illegal migration and smuggling of migrants

2005 – Study visit to the U.S., supported by DOJ OPDAT

24 and 25 November 2005, Gevgelija, Seminar: “Procedure for extradition of accused and convicted persons and the transfer of sentenced persons”. Lecture: “The role of the prosecutor in the proceedings for extradition”

November 23, 2005, Skopje, International Seminar on International judicial and police cooperation in terms of the UN Convention against Organised Crime and its Protocols

15 to 17 November 2005 Skopje Seminar on Money Laundering

November 1, 2005, Skopje Round table: Application of the Law on Witness Protection

27-29 September 2005, Skopje, Continuous training for judges and prosecutors, lecture on “Introduction of the legal aspects and the role of public prosecutor in the fight against human trafficking in Macedonia”

24 and 25 June 2005, Otesevo, Seminar: “Procedure for extradition of accused and convicted persons and the transfer of sentenced persons”, a lecture on “The role of the Public Prosecutor in the extradition procedure”

18 and 19 May 2005, Strasbourg, France, an international conference, a presentation on “The legal structure and powers of the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Macedonia and the Department for prosecution of perpetrators of crimes related to organized crime and cross-border cooperation and collaboration with other institutions in the Republic of Macedonia”

15 and 16 March, 2005, Strasbourg, France, a regional seminar on “The situation of organized and economic crime in South-Eastern Europe”

24 and 25 February, 2005, Belgrade, Serbia, Regional seminar on strategies for ratification and implementation of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

20 and 21 January, 2005, Skopje, Establishing an independent, functionally and autonomous judiciary and strengthening judicial cooperation in the Western Balkans

8 to 11 November 2004, Skopje, Seminar / Workshop “Conducting investigations and prosecution of cases of organized crime” - Program of the Ministry of Justice for assistance, development and training of prosecutors - OPDAT

22 and 23 December, 2003, Belgrade, Serbia, Johns Hopkins University: Program for Capacity Building in Southeast Europe

I declare that everything has already been said is true and can be proven by relevant documents, certificates, evaluation etc.

I acknowledge that I will have permanent residence in Strasbourg if I would be elected as a judge of the Court.

Appendix 3 – Zvonimir JANKULOVSKI



I. Personal details

Name, forename: Jankulovski, Zvonimir

Sex: male

Date of birth: 7 October 1958

Nationality: Macedonian

II. Education and academic and other qualifications

Academic Titles

  • (2011–2014) – Full Professor, University American College Skopje
  • (2008–2011) – Dean of the School of Law, University American College Skopje
  • (1998–2007) – Full Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University “Ss. Cyril & Methodius” - Skopje
  • (2000–2002) – Head of the Centre for national security and strategic studies, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University “Ss. Cyril & Methodius” - Skopje
  • Head of the Centre for Refugees and Force Migrations Studies, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University “Ss. Cyril & Methodius”-Skopje; (1998 – 2000)
  • (1994–1998) – Associate professor of International Relations and Diplomacy, Faculty of Criminology - University “Ss.Cyril & Methodius” - Skopje
  • (1991–1994) – Assistant professor of International Relations and Diplomacy, Faculty of Criminology - University “Ss.Cyril & Methodius” - Skopje
  • (1983–1990) – Assistant of International Public Law, Faculty of Criminology - University “Ss.Cyril & Methodius” - Skopje


  • (1998) – Athens, Tempus – Individual Mobility Grant
  • (1995–1996) – Postdoctoral studies: U.C Berkeley – Law School, USA (Fulbright grant)
  • (1993–1994) – Postdoctoral studies: Colchester, Great Britain, Human Rights Centre - Essex University (Foreign Office grant)
  • (1990) – PhD: Faculty of Law, University “St. Cyril & Methodius”, R. of Macedonia, 1990. Dissertation title: “The Petitions of the Individuals in the International System of Protection of Human Rights”
  • (1988) – Postgraduate course: MA in International Public Law (Faculty of Law, University “St.Cyril & Methodius” - Skopje, R. of Macedonia). MA Thesis: “Implementation measures of the International Covenant on Human Rights”
  • (1983) – Netherlands, Summer course in International Law
  • (1982) – Faculty of Law, University “Ss. Cyril & Methodius” – Skopje, R. of Macedonia

III. Relevant professional activities

a. Description of judicial activities

  • Assistant in Court Procedures, District Court in Skopje (1982–1983)

b. Description of non-judicial legal activities

  • (2000–2001) – Member of the main Macedonian negotiation team for Association and Stabilization Agreement with European Union
  • (2000–2002) – Head of the Centre for national security and strategic studies, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University “Ss. Cyril & Methodius” - Skopje
  • Head of the Centre for Refugees and Force Migrations Studies, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University “Ss. Cyril & Methodius”-Skopje ; (1998 – 2000)
  • (2009) – Author of the Law for Interception of Communications
  • (2000) – Author of the Law for Opening Police files
  • (2001) – Author of the Law on the Protection of Individuals With Regard to the Processing of Personal Data
  • (2008) – Lustration Law (member of team of experts)

c. Description of non-legal professional activities

IV. Activities and experience in the field of human rights

  • (1996) – Head of the team of experts working on the Report on Compatibility of the Legal Order of Republic of Macedonia with European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Article 1 - 14)
  • (Struga,1997) – Struga, Seminar for Judges sponsored by Council of Europe: Title of the course: “European Convention on Human Rights”
  • (Budapest,1997) – Budapest, CEU Summer University course: Minority Rights as a Branch of Human Rights
  • (Bergen,1999) – Refugee Crisis from Kosovo – Test for International Community
  • (Oxford,1998) – Why Macedonia Matters: Spill Over the Refugees crisis from Kosovo to Macedonia
  • (1998–2000) – Head of the Centre for Refugees and Forced Migrations Studies, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University “Ss. Cyril & Methodius”-Skopje
  • (2000) – Course Director, Ohrid International Summer School “Mass Movement of People – An Old New Balkan Security Challenges”
  • (Skopje, 2000) – Skopje, International seminar for police: Title of the course: “Police and Human Rights”
  • (Skopje, 2008) – Security sector reforms - Strengthening police efficiency without weakening of civic and human rights”
  • (Ohrid, 2010) – (Westminster Foundation for Democracy): The Role of Parliament in Implementation of International Human Rights Standards
  • (Skopje, 2010) – (UNDP & Euro Balkan Institute): Institutional Mandates, Legal Parameters, Laws that Relate to Minority Rights, and Monitoring of New Laws related to EU Integration
  • (Skopje, 2010) – (Euro Balkan Institute): The Reform process of the Council of Europe
  • (Strumica, 2011) – (Macedonian Lawyers Association, OSCE, CEO): Legal Framework: Human Rights - Right to privacy
  • (Skopje, 2011) – Geneva Centre for Security Policy & Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Macedonia, (course for military attachés of the region of South Eastern Europe): Promoting International Humanitarian Law in the Western Balkan
  • (Skopje, 2010/2012) – (Academy for Training of Judges and Prosecutors): International standards for Non – Discrimination

V. Public activities

a. Public office

  • Member of the 23rd of October State Award Board - Day of the Revolutionary Struggle.

b. Elected posts

  • (2014) – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Macedonia to the Holy See
  • (2002–2005) – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Macedonia to the Council of Europe

c. Posts held in a political party or movement

VI. Other activities

Research (selected)

  • (1998–2000) – “Affirmative Action versus Discrimination” (Research Support Schema (Prague) grant)
  • (1998) – Tempus: Individual Mobility grant (Athens)
  • (1995–1996) – “Privacy and Law Enforcement: When to Shift the Balance” (Fulbright grant)
  • (1993–1994) – Essex University, Human Rights Centre (Foreign office grant)
  • (1993) – “Police and Human Rights” (Council of Europe grant)

Teaching at University

  • International human rights
  • International law
  • International relations and diplomacy
  • Diplomacy
  • EU Law
  • Refugee law and asylum policies

International Conferences (selected list)

  • (Skopje, 2013) – World Conference on Dialogue Among Religions and Civilizations
  • (Athens, 2010) – Institute for International Economic Relations: Conference: “Bulgaria – Greece - Republic of Macedonia: What Kind of a Triangle?
  • (Berlin, 2008) – Communicating Europe: German Perspectives on Enlargement, with the assistance of the global opportunities fund - reuniting Europe and UK
  • (Skopje, 2008) – Security sector reforms - Strengthening police efficiency without weakening of civic and human rights”
  • (Bergen, 2000) – Protection and Assistance for refugees – The Kosovo Case
  • (Oxford, 1998) – International Conference on crisis in Kosovo
  • (Patras, 1995) – Vision of Transatlantic Security in the Year 2000
  • (Mangalia, 1994) – Ethnic and Sectarian Issues

VII. Publications and other works

Books Published

  • Human Rights, (Skopje: Open Society Fund of Macedonia - Soros,1993)
  • The Individual Against the State, (Skopje: Studentski Zbor, 1993)
  • Police and Human Rights (Skopje: Papirus, 1994), p.180 (Sponsored by the Council of Europe)
  • A Guide to Human Rights (Helsinki Committee, 1999)
  • International Standards Regarding the Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officials (Persons with Police Authority) (OSCE, 2007)
  • International Standards on Adequate Investigation into Cases of Death under Dubious Circumstances (OSCE 2007)
  • Analysis of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OSCE 2007)
  • International Human Rights (Official Gazette, Skopje 2009)
  • Lustration Law in Macedonia (Kultura, Skopje 2011)
  • Diplomacy and Human Right (Matica Makedonska, Skopje 2012)
  • And more than 200 articles published

VIII. Languages






very good



very good



very good



a. First language:









b. Official languages:
















c. Other languages:
























IX. In the event that you do not meet the level of language proficiency required for the post of judge in an official language, please confirm your intention to follow intensive language classes of the language concerned prior to, and if need be also at the beginning of, your term of duty if elected a judge on the Court.


X. Other relevant information

XI. Please confirm that you will take up permanent residence in Strasbourg if elected a judge on the Court.
