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Amendment No. 7 | Doc. 14139 | 10 October 2016

Legal remedies for human rights violations on the Ukrainian territories outside the control of the Ukrainian authorities

Signatories: Mr Sergiy VLASENKO, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Volodymyr ARIEV, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Georgii LOGVYNSKYI, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Ms Olena SOTNYK, Ukraine, ALDE ; Mr Leonid YEMETS, Ukraine, EPP/CD

Origin - 2016 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 16.2.3, insert the following paragraph:

"use all available legal means to repeal the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to outlaw the Mejlis, and to allow the Crimean Tatar community to choose its own self-governing institutions;"