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Amendment No. 4 | Doc. 14213 Part 1 | 25 January 2017

The progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure (September 2015-December 2016) and the periodic review of the honouring of obligations by Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France and Germany

Signatories: Mr Suat ÖNAL, Turkey, EC ; Ms Emine Nur GÜNAY, Turkey, EC ; Mr Orhan MİROĞLU, Turkey, EC ; Ms Leyla Şahin USTA, Turkey, EC ; Ms Serap YAŞAR, Turkey, EC

Origin - 2017 - First part-session

In the draft resolution, pargraph 11.12, delete the following words:

"to restart the peace process in south-east Turkey as well as the dialogue with Kurdish representatives on the settlement of the Kurdish question; and to abolish or limit the curfews with a view to restoring basic humanitarian conditions for the populations in the affected regions".

Explanatory note

Curfews have already been abolished in the majority of the districts concerned. The basic humanitarian conditions of the population affected are being ensured by the relevant ministries. Again, the resolution is not up to date. The peace process was undermined because of the PKK attacks which have not stopped accelerating.