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Amendment No. 1 | Doc. 14337 | 28 June 2017

Putting an end to sexual violence and harassment of women in public space

Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media

Origin - 2017 - Third part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 7.5 with the following paragraph:

"include awareness raising about the respect for human dignity and non-violent conflict resolution, and more specifically about gender equality, gender stereotypes and the role of women in our societies in general education curricula to address this issue from different angles; and to develop targeted learning modules on, for example, the impact of sexual violence and harassment on victims, or on how to behave when confronted directly or indirectly with attacks against women; special emphasis must be put on programmes aimed at educating or re-educating parents to enhancing their approach or understanding of what violence against women is and why it must be eradicated;"