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Amendment No. 14 | Doc. 14450 Part 1 | 24 January 2018

The progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure (January-December 2017) and the periodic review of the honouring of obligations by Estonia, Greece, Hungary and Ireland

Signatories: Ms Tamar CHUGOSHVILI, Georgia, SOC ; Ms Nino GOGUADZE, Georgia, EC ; Ms Sofio KATSARAVA, Georgia, SOC ; Ms Irina PRUIDZE, Georgia, NR ; Mr Dimitri TSKITISHVILI, Georgia, SOC

Origin - 2018 - First part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 6.5 replace the word "undermines" with the word "undermined".

Explanatory note

The consultations on the constitution have ended and the main amendments have already been adopted: the tense used in the word "undermines" is no longer relevant.