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Amendment No. 1 | Doc. 14519 | 23 April 2018

The situation in Libya: prospects and role of the Council of Europe

Signatories: Mr Jacques MAIRE, France, NR ; Ms Jennifer DE TEMMERMAN, France, NR ; Mr Fabien GOUTTEFARDE, France, NR ; Ms Nicole TRISSE, France, NR ; Ms Marie-Christine VERDIER-JOUCLAS, France, NR

Origin - 2018 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 10.1, insert the following sentence:

"In this context, the Assembly asks member states and the international community to propose quotas of protected persons to the High Commissioner for Refugees as a precondition for dealing with potential beneficiaries in Libya;".

Explanatory note

Many migrants are held illegally in Libya. The HCR has agreed with Niger and Chad that migrants should be cared for in hotspots, with the number of places available depending on the quota of places provided by the international community: further effort by members of the international community is required.