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Amendment No. 2 | Doc. 14591 | 27 June 2018

Ukrainian citizens detained as political prisoners by the Russian Federation

Signatories: Mr Volodymyr ARIEV, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Oleksii GONCHARENKO, Ukraine, EC ; Ms Mariia IONOVA, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Georgii LOGVYNSKYI, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Andrii LOPUSHANSKYI, Ukraine, ALDE ; Ms Olena SOTNYK, Ukraine, ALDE

Origin - 2018 - Third part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 7.3, replace the words:

"unless medically necessary in order to save his or their life"

with the following words:

"and use only medical care to save his or their life in strict compliance with the Convention for the Prevention of Torture".