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Amendment No. 2 | Doc. 14626 | 10 October 2018

Family reunification of refugees and migrants in the Council of Europe member States

Signatories: Ms Rósa Björk BRYNJÓLFSDÓTTIR, Iceland, UEL ; Mr Vernon COAKER, United Kingdom, SOC ; Mr Paul GAVAN, Ireland, UEL ; Mr Domagoj HAJDUKOVIĆ, Croatia, SOC ; Mr Duarte MARQUES, Portugal, EPP/CD ; Ms Tineke STRIK, Netherlands, SOC

Origin - 2018 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 5, insert the following sentence:

"Member States should consider establishing a revolving fund through bilateral agreements or national or European schemes, in order to cover the family reunification costs of beneficiaries of international protection who cannot afford it."