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Amendment No. 1 | Doc. 14955 | 02 October 2019

A legal status for "climate refugees"

Signatories: Mr Martin HEBNER, Germany, NR ; Mr Bob De BRABANDERE, Belgium, NR ; Mr Tom van GRIEKEN, Belgium, NR ; Mr Paolo GRIMOLDI, Italy, NR ; Mr Axel KASSEGGER, Austria, NR ; Mr Norbert KLEINWAECHTER, Germany, NR ; Ms Monika MÜHLWERTH, Austria, NR ; Mr Ulrich OEHME, Germany, NR

Origin - 2019 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 3, replace the first sentence with the following sentences:

"The Assembly considers that the absence of a legally binding definition of 'Climate refugees' is a legal and structural problem. There must be a clear distinction between problems caused by overpopulation and by purely environmental changes."

Explanatory note

Culturally determined overpopulation is a self-caused phenomena and therefore, not an expectable environmental problem. The social responsibility cannot be denied and neglected. The commission must make feasible proposals to avoid the foreseeable problems of overpopulation, e.g. in Africa.