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Amendment No. 13 | Doc. 14955 | 02 October 2019

A legal status for "climate refugees"

Signatories: Mr Bob De BRABANDERE, Belgium, NR ; Mr Martin GRAF, Austria, NR ; Mr Tom van GRIEKEN, Belgium, NR ; Mr Martin HEBNER, Germany, NR ; Mr Axel KASSEGGER, Austria, NR ; Ms Monika MÜHLWERTH, Austria, NR

Origin - 2019 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 5.3.7, insert the following paragraph:

"5.x.x. migration due to 'climate disasters' should be organised in such a way that the migration is limited as much as possible to one's own region, in order to accommodate the migrant or refugee as much as possible within one's own cultural area."