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Amendment No. 14 | Doc. 14955 | 02 October 2019

A legal status for "climate refugees"

Signatories: Mr Tom van GRIEKEN, Belgium, NR ; Mr Bob De BRABANDERE, Belgium, NR ; Mr Paolo GRIMOLDI, Italy, NR ; Mr Martin HEBNER, Germany, NR ; Ms Monika MÜHLWERTH, Austria, NR ; Mr Ulrich OEHME, Germany, NR

Origin - 2019 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 5.3.7, insert the following paragraph:

"When immigration is driven by so-called 'climate change' and not by economic, religious and geopolitical motives, then the location where these 'refugees' are received is not a location that should be chosen on the basis of these motives. On the contrary, it is still best for every refugee anywhere in the world to be received as close as home as possible, in their own region. The advantages are many: one stays in one's own cultural area, sometimes even in one's own language area, which can only facilitate integration into society. In this way, a clash of cultures, customs and habits is avoided as much as possible - which is only positive for both the refugee and the host nation or region."