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REQUEST FOR INCLUSION IN THE AGENDA OF THE SESSIONQuestion included in the Agenda of the Session and referred by the Standing Committee to the Committee on Cultural and Scientific Questions on 25th May, 1952. | Doc. 5 | 17th May, 1952

REQUEST FOR INCLUSION IN THE AGENDA OF THE SESSION - Etablishment of a European linguistic community based on the application of Anglo-French bilingualism

Rapporteur : ,

The Assembly,

Considering that a common language would establish a unity of outlook and of culture as between the various Member States of the Council of Europe, such as is essential to the formation of any human community,

Considering that since the last war English has acquired a de facto privileged position in Europe,

Considering that the French language, by virtue of its clarity, logic and precision, remains a tool essential to the formation of a Federation of States uniting to defend a particular form of thought and culture and their own conception of freedom,,

Believing the joint use of these two languages, representing cultures which are essentially complementary, to be at present the fairest and most appropriate way of meeting the needs of any scheme for the union of all European countries without exception, as well as for the requirements of any broader community representing the union of the Old and New Worlds,

Decides to include in its Agenda the following question :

" Establishment of a European linguistic community based on the application of Anglo- French bilingualism ".