See related documents

Request for inclusion in the agenda of the sessionSee 5th Session, 1953 : 10th Sitting, 13th May, 1953 (Question included in the Agenda and referred to the Committee on Rules of Procedure and privileges). | Doc. 149 | 11th May, 1953

REQUEST FOR INCLUSION IN THE AGENDA OF THE SESSION - Creation of a Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

Rapporteur : ,

The Assembly,

Considering that, in order to facilitate liaison between the various European Assemblies, the structure and organisation of the Consultative Assembly should be adapted as much as possible to this end;

Considering that steps should be taken to ensure t h a t the new programme of action for the Council of Europe is made as effective as possible, while safeguarding the privileges of the Assembly,

Decides to include in its Agenda the following question :

" Creation of a Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions "

which will be referred to the Committee on Rules and Privileges.